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Rabbit09 (DayZ)

TheTown: RP server: Private Hive.

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The Town: Private hive and RP server.

Map :Chernarus

Server size : 50 Slots.

Password protected: yes.

Custom map: Yes.

Custom Skins: Yes.

Mod: Rmod.

Server Type: Roleplay.

No killing on site.


Server Information.

The Town server, is based on the standard Chernarus map. With many additions. Over 4000 Custom Buildings and objects have been placed through out the map. Towns have been expanded. Campsites have been built, and the amount of zombies increased. We run the server with Rmod on. Meaning there will be cars that you are not used to seeing all that often. You may also see players running around with weapons, that generally do not spawn as part of dayz. This is because we have secrete weapon caches dotted over the map.

We Run a No kill on site policy, you must make meaningful Rp contact before you can kill some, and have a good reason. E.G they are close to your camp, you have warned them to stay away. They are still coming. You may kill.Ect Ect.

There are two possible ways to play on our server. One you Join, and apply to be a server member, this means you can run around, rp as you wish, and have fun. Active server members may also have bases built for them, or small homes, if they wish.

The other way is to become a clan member, clan members are apart of the towns RP clan. This gives you added bonuses + the support of the rp clan, such as organized events.

The clan.

The clan runs a "safe zone" with in the map, they are the local military force, and keep every thing in working order. This is the most active part of the server currently. For more information please take a visit to our site.



How to apply!

Applying to be a town member is a bit different. You are applying to be a member of the clan/guild, having access to our server, our stronghold ( the town) and being apart of our community, events and Rp.

How do i apply?

First you will want to go to our website listed at the top, http://thetown.enjin.com/recruitment

Fill out the Application . Please be as detailed as possible. In the other information section please consider fill out the long list of questions below, and posting it there. This is required! when applying for officer or department leads. If applying for a normal member ship to the town this is not required.

Submit the application.

Wait for your reply.


We are hard arse's about activity, if you are not about, and not posting in RP threads, you are basicly gone.

Edited by Rabbit09
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Head Medical and Council member here, this server is great hope to see alot of you join!

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