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Dangerous basements/attics ( "the road")

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I thought about this while watching the new gameplay video on the dev blog. I think it could be a nice idea to have basements and / or attics in some buildings that have rare loots, but are filled with zombies. Basically it would be a place where you KNOW you have to kill a bunch of zombies, can't really avoid them, but the loot is often worth it. So you spend a couple of clips, in the hopes of finding a very good loot. It's a 50/50 chance thing.

Hopefull you have seen the move 'The road'... <spoiler alert> In it there is a scene where they open a basement trapdoor and they find a lot of people that are used like cattles by cannibalists. But this scene made them really look like zombies. And I thought "Hey wouldn't it be cool to open a door, or just simply go down a long staircase/ climb a little ladder, and have 10-15 zombies in front of you, but see those shiny NVGs / snipers at the end of the room ?

This could make some intense and visceral scenes in my opinion. I hope I described this idea well enough, let me know if I wasn't clear enough on certain points.

To resume :

-Attics and or / basements with rare loots.

-Small rooms, pitch-black, filled with a bunch of zombies.

-Death if you're on your own of course, more suited for 2-3 people to cover each other.

Thanks for reading it, hopefully if this isn't possible to make it'll give better ideas to other people :)

Seen you in cherno !

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I like the idea of basements and attics, but there should be a change that "Zomibes" spawn there, rather than "Zombies" spawning there all the time.

Furthermore there should not be superloot spawns up/down there, just normal ones.

Edited by UmBe

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Well that's the thing, the idea is really to stumble upon a big group a zombies. Like a big pack. So you'd HAVE to use a mag or two to get to the loot. It wouldn't be just like a common basement where you can just avoid the zombies and that's it you get the loot and you go out. The zombies would clearly block the path between you and the loot. It'd be much more surprising in my opinion.

Seen 'Rec ' also? when he opens the trap door at the end and there's the zombie, that's the idea. To really be in a dark piece, turn your flashlight on or throw a flare, see all the zombies, have to unload on them, and get the loot, victorious.

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I dont think zombies should always be in them. Maybe there is just a chance of a few being inside. Also yeah no super rare loot maybe just a good amount of food or some civi ammo

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The way it's described in the OP sounds very "arcade".

DayZ tends to try and give us an organic feeling environment, without creating excessively unlikely scenarios. (zombies not included)

As the guys have suggested, it'd be cool to have a chance of this, for a "WTF?!" moment once in a while.

The loot-spawns definitely shouldn't be more valuable. The fact that there's a chance to find anything at all is enough.

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Yeah agreed, in the end I'm mostly going for the ' wtf ' moment with this one.

But I mean, they'd have to run after you and you'd have to exit the buidling quickly then.

The best part of this imo is basically being trapped indoors with no lights. Trying to escape and find the way out int the dark, and then coming back for the loot or something.

But yeah all in all do you believe it's a good idea / would serve the game ?

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I think it wouldn't be a good idea to increase the quality of the loot spawns in such an area (makes the game too predictable/easy), but I do like the idea of opening an attic door to have 10 angry zombies come spilling out. That should be fairly rare, though.

Edited by Troll_Force_One

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There should always be the chance of something along these lines.

It's just unfortunate that such encounters would probably have to be scripted events.

I support the general idea of it, yeah.

Unpredictable events serve to spice things up. I like being surprised and/or terrified.

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