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Will R-Mod reset custom spawned items in game?

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I have a quick question regarding turining on the R-Mod settings on my Day-ZST server controls. So, I am runing a server with a couple friends, so we kinda have to share control. I was curious to see all the R-Mod vehicls, so I want to turn the R-Mod server controls on. My question for the experts is; If I did that? Would the change over disturb any of the vehicles my friends have parked on the map, the custom structures they put up, or the loot all the players have acumulated? Basically what I want to know is, will that set the map back to default settings?


Edited by Bigdog2012

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It wont change any of the info in your database.

Rmod is basically another mod that people use when loading dayz.

You can put these banned vehicles in your database without Rmod.........you just cant see them.

Because they are banned. (rmod's main function is to load dayz in such a way so you can see the banned vehicles)

hope this helps

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