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Lightstylez Lair 250+ vehicles/Wrecks/CarePkgs/KillMSGS/SSZeds/Auto-Fuel/Tow or Air-Lift Vehicles/Halo Jumping/Strip Vehicle parts+ LOTS MORE

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"Lightstylez Lair" are looking looking for new survivors to join our brand new server and become part of our community.

Server Name: Lightstylez Lair (Chernarus): 250+ vehicles/Wrecks/CarePkgs/KillMSGS/SSzeds/Auto-Fuel/Tow or Air-Lift Vehicles/Custom Debug/Custom Start Gear/Strip Vehicle Parts/More Weapons/Halo Jumping/Monitored by admin 24/7 - v1.7.6.1/Build 102591 - Server ALWAYS Being Updated!

IP Address/port:

Search in dayzcommander for - Lightstylez Lair

As this is a brand new server we are lacking in active members, hopefully this will change though as the server gets more noticed.

This use to be UK 165, a private hive with no modifications which would usually have 10-20 people on most of the time.

Now though i want more from dayz so i have decided to re-do everything starting with a new name and adding many scripts/mods that will make it more enjoyable and give more options to players.

The problem is that even if i had every script/mod known to man it does not give me more population, people do not search for script names in dayzcommander, most people dont even know you can have mods/scripts added to dayz without having to download anything.

As i write this there are 6112 dayz servers running, meaning i have a very small chance of getting a playerbase by just leaving up the server and waiting.

The only way i can make an active community is you guys, yes you. If you are thinking about it, at least give it a try. I spent a lot of time on my server and will even take suggestions and polls on things to add or take away.

if there is a reason you dont want to check it out, please feel free to give constructive critisim, it will help me acknowledge the kind of things i might need to change either now or in the future to increase the server population.

Now i definitely have not finished with my server yet, at the moment it is in a good state - but things will change.

If you are looking for a new server to play with your friends, maybe this could be for you. Hosted in United Kingdom

--List of mods/scripts--

Wrecks - Replaces heli crashes, more variety. I am using a self-modified version, Crashe types include: MV22/MH60/C130J/MI24/UH1Y/MI8/UH60/A10

SSZeds - Disable server-side simulation of zombies (Improves server performance/FPS)

Auto-Fuel - All gas stations now have a scroll-wheel option to refuel (Also works for heli's - Hover over or land on the roof of the station)

Tow Script - The ability for any vehicle to tow another, the only vehicles that cannot TOW are (aircraft/bicycles/motorbikes/boats - They can still BE towed though)

Lift Script - The ability for any heli to lift any road vehicle

Carepackages - Carepackages are randomly spawned boxes around the map with extra loot

Killmsgs - Kill messages allows to see who killed you, with what weapon and at what range

Debug Monitor - Custom debug monitor showing: Server / Blood / Humanity / Headshots / Murders / Bandits Killed / Zombies Killed / Zombies (Alive/total) / FPS (Frames per second)

Strip Vehicle Script - Ability to strip any vehicle for its parts

Custom Start Gear - You will now start with M9 + 2 mags, painkillers, baked beans, mountain dew, map, toolbox, 2 bandages and czech vest pouch

15+ Extra Weapons (Added to Wrecks) - will be updating the loot table often based on feedback (Dont worry they are in line with current weapons/mostly weapons from other dayz maps - Nothing Silenced, NightVision or thermal have been added)

Halo Jumping - halo jump option with any air-vehicle, recommend at minimum of 500 altitude, unless you want to go splat in mere seconds :)

Some minor changes : Custom Loading screen, cinematic camera zoom in when spawning, Full Moon script (no more searching for NVS for hours in pitch black)

--Server Information--

250+ vehicles (will add more spawns or change current ones as i see fit)

We have automatic server restarts every 4 hours for optimal performance, server will countdown before restart: 10 min / 5 min / 2 min / 1 min / server now restarting.

Time: Time is currently set at 5pm on server start and so will reach 9PM before server restart back to 5pm - will make a poll soon to see if it should be changed. approx 2hr50min day. 1hr10 night(Full-Moon)

Monitored by admin 24/7 and also using gotcha antihacks - showing any unauthorised scripts and either warning/kicking or banning them based on serverity.

Teamspeak 3 server: - Join up with other survivors and fight together!

30 slots on the server for now, i will evaluating performance and may or may not increase this to 50/60 - just personal preference though as i myself prefer a small active community rather than 50+ people who are killing each other within 10 mins of freshspawn - it also helps increase performance & latency. I have played on 50+ player servers and shooting at someone with a full clip even with "small" server delay allows them to react and take shots, even if he technically should be dead.

Sidechat IS enabled (for text only), like any other server PLEASE do not use voice on sidechat, accidents can happen - but if you are using it on purpose -

1. You will get a warning from the admin

2, If you ignore the admin and talk again you will be kicked from the server

3, Either coming back on after the kick and using voice again OR excessively trolling by spamming voice you will then be banned.

This is for the sake of everyone else playing - if you want to talk use our TS3 server.

- Map Location - Undecided, see poll above.

- Crosshair = ON

- Nameplates = OFF

- 3rd Person = ON

- Side Chat = ON

- Tracers = ON

We class our server as a friendly server. Does this mean there will be NO bandits? Probably not!

Although there will likely be bandits, we are trying to encourage co-operation on the server,

and encourage survivors to make camps, and try to survive as best they can.

Latest Information:

08/03/2013 - Server will possibly be going down after midnight GMT+0 (UK time) for maintenance and General updates.

09/03/2013 - Server down for the rest of today for bug fixes.

10/03/2013 - Any road vehicle can now tow, see tow script above - changed restart message to reflect Tows - You will have to untow a vehicle and get in and out of the vehicle for it save at its new location. Added 6 more weapons to Wrecks

12/03/2013 - Currently testing with Map location turned off to see if people like it or not - vote on poll above

15/03/2013 - CarePKG's have been significantly updated for the better - see post #15 for more details

Edited by Lightstylez
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Thanks, had a huge surge of people today and had some good moments. I am glad you and some others are bandits, it means someone i can try to kill without feeling bad :D

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Had a nice day when playing yesterday, will play more definately, hope more people will join!

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Loving the mods and the few folks I've bumped into have been cool.

My 4/5 man group will be playing here for the forseeable future :)

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I'm glad you both are having fun, thanks for the comments.

In other news, had our base raided earlier today - they took our Ural full of guns and our Huey, but a few hours later - payback. Me and my 3 friends find them landing the chopper to loot a wreck and we take 2 of them out - the pilot makes a narrow escape and we loot the dead bodies. These adrenaline filled moments are what make DayZ :)

Edited by Lightstylez

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~BUMP~ Also, vote on the poll please!

Edited by Lightstylez

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Hi light, im have been playing with rootford above, really enjoying the server. As for your poll, I have voted against map locations as i feel that being able to see where other players and vehicles are will majorly take away from the game. It will allow bandits to find and kill you and also for people to find and loot other players bases a lot easier. As for your own location, it isn't difficult to triangulate yourself with the map and compass, also you are told your rough position when you join the game. I hope this helps with the decision.

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Thanks for the feedback. When i was first making the server i hoped i could show yourself on the map, but without nameplates/vehicles/other players being shown. But it seems this is not possible, although i can turn off nameplates, you can still see other players on the map (if you are close enough) and any vehicle in the vicinity, although i myself am not voting on the poll, as i want the community to sway the decision.

I wish that the GPS you can find in the game would make it work the way i wanted it , see yourself on the map ONLY. At the moment most ppl that find GPS barely use it, when you open it it shows you a VERY zoomed in version of the map that does not help much and you are able to plot points on the map without GPS anyway. I was just hoping to try something different than other servers - a bit of both Regular/Veteran difficulty - but it did not work out as well as i hoped.

Any feedback is appreciated, after this poll has finished in a few days, i will make another poll on day/night. At the moment it is around 2hr45min day, and 1 hr15min night (4hr restarts)- although because the sun is setting and i have full moon enabled it doesn't get that dark until 30 min before restart - i think it is alright at the moment but i want to know what other people think. Keep this in mind, i can only set server start at an hour between 1-24 , so it cant be like 13:30 or anything it would have to be 13:00 or 14:00.

Edited by Lightstylez
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Just so you know, if your going to try hacking on my server you will be added to Multiple community ban-lists, meaning you will also be banned from tons of other servers - not just mine. So think wisely, caught 2 hackers today. If your thinking you can get away with it, you won't. Trust me.

Poll - Will end on monday 18th, thanks for submitting your answers.

Getting more active members daily.

Thanks for the post, poton.

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CarePKG's have now been updated, they now spawn significantly better loot(Before they would spawn random Building loot E.G Residential, Farm, Industrial.

Wrecks will still be the source of primary weapons, but CarePKG's spawn Tools and equipment needing for surviving.

Examples : NVGS/Ghillie/Food/Compass/Backpacks/Medical/Binocs or Rangefinders/Variety of side-arms/Ammo-boxes/Other

Mostly things that will help you survive, rather than more fire-power.

Edited by Lightstylez

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