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Script-kiddy destroyed our server

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We're hosting a DayZ public server and we had a guy there who joined our TS3. We know exactly that he cheated - he also told us...

At first he spawned ammo boxes, vehicles and some other stuff - then he kicked all 36 players from our server. And in the end he destroyed a load of buildings.

I'm sorry that we have no videos or screenshots of it, but it wouldn't help that much.

Our Server: DE 870 ...

Name: Medic

GUID: eb31f07a90bc21fbaa0f12e61cf92d1a

And seriously, it is the biggest shit ever that we can't ban players as server admins... (I understand why it is disabled, but it's really a problem)

Why the fuck isn't it even possible to ban such kiddies only on our server?

Edited by Inception.

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Just ban him, what do you mean you can't? DayZ rules for public hive? I said screw it and banned hackers anyways. As long as you are sure just ban them if you have their GUID and IP

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Just ban him, what do you mean you can't? DayZ rules for public hive? I said screw it and banned hackers anyways. As long as you are sure just ban them if you have their GUID and IP

How do I do that?

When I'm logged in as an admin, I type "exec ban XX", but nothing happens ôO

I googled a few days ago and found only Threads where the people said that it isn't possible...

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Get an Rcon tool, any will. You need to have the username/password in your server files for login, and then just download one and run it off your PC.

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I have installed the BERCon Tool since we have our server. But there's no command for banning players ôO


RCon command to Ban a player currently on your server:

Ban PlayerNumber BanTime Reason

Example: Ban 1 0 Hacking

Note: The ban time is in minutes. A value of 0 means permanent.

RCon command to Ban a player currently NOT on your server:

addBan PlayerGUID BanTime Reason

Example: addBan 123456789101112... 0 Hacking

RCon command to Kick a player currently on your server:

Kick PlayerNumber Reason

Example: Kick 1 Illegal Weapon

Hope this helps.



Edited by Splinter_2K

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You could also add the player's IP/GUID (or both) to your bans.txt file that lives in the /cfgdayz/battleye/ directory on your server.


p.s. don't hesitate to ban a cheater, but be sure (as it sounds like you have) that you're banning someone for the right reason.

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Thank you so much, Splinter_2K!!


p.s. don't hesitate to ban a cheater, but be sure (as it sounds like you have) that you're banning someone for the right reason.

We're not such ones^^...we'll only ban players, if we're 100% sure that they are hackers ;)

And thank you all again for your help =)

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dude you shouldn't post ip's, also ip banning is useless since if hes got a dynamic ip he can change it whenever he wants

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dude you shouldn't post ip's, also ip banning is useless since if hes got a dynamic ip he can change it whenever he wants

Please stop spreading bullshit! IP banning is the way to go.

You just ban the whole range he's on if he changes his IP. I've done it to countless scripting scrubs from russia and kazakhstan that tried that shit.

Edited by trichome

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Please stop spreading bullshit! IP banning is the way to go.

You just ban the whole range he's on if he changes his IP. I've done it to countless scripting scrubs from russia and kazakhstan that tried that shit.

^ this =P

I'm very sure that this wasn't his real IP - I banned him also on our TS and he came back in a few minutes. That guy was a programmer (like me) and I'm sure that he knew what he was doing...

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Please stop spreading bullshit! IP banning is the way to go.

You just ban the whole range he's on if he changes his IP. I've done it to countless scripting scrubs from russia and kazakhstan that tried that shit.

im just saying its not that effective, if all it takes is an unbanned guid and fresh ip then they will join your server eventually. Also this is pretty unlikely but if you ban a range of IPs you risk banning other people

Edited by Chris529

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im just saying its not that effective, if all it takes is an unbanned guid and fresh ip then they will join your server eventually. Also this is pretty unlikely but if you ban a range of IPs you risk banning other people

Yes you end up banning other people but look at it this way our server is in the UK these scrubs are coming from russia and kazakhstan and while it is unfortunate for the other people on the same range I'm not that bothered about people from russia or kazakhstan not being able to get on tbh. Theres enough ligit UK,US and European players to not have to worry about a few 100 of that scrubs fellow country men.

At the end of the day the largest group of scripters and griefers on OUR server come from those two regions and I'll happly ban every god damn range if I have to, to protect our genuine playerbase.

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Yes you end up banning other people but look at it this way our server is in the UK these scrubs are coming from russia and kazakhstan and while it is unfortunate for the other people on the same range I'm not that bothered about people from russia or kazakhstan not being able to get on tbh. Theres enough ligit UK,US and European players to not have to worry about a few 100 of that scrubs fellow country men.

At the end of the day the largest group of scripters and griefers on OUR server come from those two regions and I'll happly ban every god damn range if I have to, to protect our genuine playerbase.

in that sense I guess it would be ok I mean even if you banned some russians by chance then they wouldn't want to join a high ping UK server anyway they would just join a local Rus server. You wouldnt wanna ban a whole bunch of UK IP's though

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in that sense I guess it would be ok I mean even if you banned some russians by chance then they wouldn't want to join a high ping UK server anyway they would just join a local Rus server. You wouldnt wanna ban a whole bunch of UK IP's though

You'd be surprised just how many do connect from russia and kazakhstan and even further regions. To be fair we don't see script kiddies from the UK that often, they do exist but not nearly to the extent as the two regions I mentioned above.

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