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Keeps getting kicked of servers!

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im having some trouble right now launching dayz, at first i could play regularly for a couple of weeks. Then almost of a sudden it said that i got kicked of the game when i try to join any servers, so at first i though it was just a server ban that gets me kicked but then i noticed it was like that on ALL servers.

I have tried reinstalling both arma2 and arma2 OA, have also reinstalled playwithsix and also tried running dayz Commander.

But nothing works for me, can some1 please tell me whats wrong or atleast help me?

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Have you tried manually updating BattlEye? To do this:

1. Go to BattlEye

2. Open up your download directory where you just saved the .dll file from clicking the above link.

3. Copy the .dll.

4. Paste the .dll file into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\BattlEye and overwrite the one that is in there.

5. Paste the .dll file into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\BattlEye and overwrite the one that's in there too.

6. Load into game, but wait at the lobby until you see " BattlEye Client: Server Computed GUID: * Insert lots of numbers and letters here * " In the bottom left hand corner

7. Press Ok and see if it lets you in.

Edited by piemanpm

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  On 3/8/2013 at 4:32 AM, piemanpm said:

Have you tried manually updating BattlEye? To do this:

1. Go to BattlEye

2. Open up your download directory where you just saved the .dll file from clicking the above link.

3. Copy the .dll.

4. Paste the .dll file into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\BattlEye and overwrite the one that is in there.

5. Paste the .dll file into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\BattlEye and overwrite the one that's in there too.

6. Load into game, but wait at the lobby until you see " BattlEye Client: Server Computed GUID: * Insert lots of numbers and letters here * " In the bottom left hand corner

7. Press Ok and see if it lets you in.

It still dosent work after i tried doing as you said, i had some friends telling me why i got kicked on the server and it said wrong signature 401 and something dayz.sfx :/

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