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How Do I Add More Hospitals / Fire Stations To My Server?

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I've had my own server for a little while now, but just yesterday finally looked into adding more custom things like extra buildings and stuff. I managed to add some extra barracks and some random things, but I can't seem to find Hospitals, or Firestations and the like in the list?

So... here's my questions.

1-How do I go about adding Fire Stations, Supermarkets and Hospitals?

2-When these buildings are finally added to my server, will they automatically spawn loot, or will I need to spawn loot there myself?

I'm using DayZ.st, if that makes any difference.

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Hey it's pretty simple actually. Basically you just have to edit your mission file and add the content you want. What kind of server are you running? It's probably easiest on DayZ Control Center as it can parse your new mission file for new buildings.


Edited by Nuds

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Sweet, thanks! I'm running a DayZ.st server. Is that what you mean?

I'm installing that right now. Hopefully I can get it to work. I've only added a few buildings yesterday, and they were barracks and shipping crates and random stuff like that. I did it by ctrl e and using the 2d editor in game, then doing the stuff to SQL in my dayz.st database. It's not that hard, but it didn't seem to have everything.

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All I have to do is drop those in the folder then I can edit in the 2d editor? Which addons folder do I use exactly?

I think I'm doing something wrong. I keep getting an error message when I try to sign on after moving the files. I'm putting them in SteamApps/Arma2OperationArrowhead/@DayZ/Addons. Wrong folder maybe?

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