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Zombie Movement

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Ok so is it just me or do zombies run pretty straight and then when they come towards you in the last 5 feet of travel they teleport\warp right next to you ?

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It's just you. :S

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Ok so is it just me or do zombies run pretty straight and then when they come towards you in the last 5 feet of travel they teleport\warp right next to you ?

They do run more straight, but the 'Warp' is just you! I've never encountered that issue :)

Edit: Look in patch info 1.7.6 en find the following line:

* [uPDATED] - AI behavior updated to try making them zigzag less.
Edited by Azziax

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Ok so I am running an i5 3.4 ghz with 16gig ram on an nvidia 560ti with 2gb ram with raid 1 on the data drive and an SSD for OS. So that should handle the game, any lag issues i am seeing may be an issue caused by my old router or the onboard lan card. So I will swap those out. Any other tunning advice or options anyone can suggest ? I am also getting timeouts while trying to connect to some servers when it shows my ping is 34ms and the server is 22ms

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Ok so is it just me or do zombies run pretty straight and then when they come towards you in the last 5 feet of travel they teleport\warp right next to you ?

Zombies have an apparent pathing problem that causes them to zig zag towards you and then run behind you before attacking. They will also phase through walls with their attacks, spawn in floors, and walk through doors and tents.

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