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A Few Good Zombies - New Server - Community Based

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Hello all,

Typical new server listing. We are trying to do something a little different though. We want a true community based server. We just got setup in the last couple days, and we are looking to change all server settings to what you, the community wants. We are going to be running polls on our forums starting over the next couple days, once the forums are finalized. We have the forums installed, but not fully setup yet (modifying theme, making all the forums, and finalization). You can view the forums and the polls that will be listed over the next couple days at:


As I stated, the server will be what the community wants. We will run these polls for a little while and whatever is the most voted for each of the server settings...is what the final server setup will be. We want everyone to have what everyone wants. The server isn't over-admined, meaning, pretty much ruleless...except for cheating ofcourse. We are, me and the other admin, what I would call, quality admins. What does this mean? Well we host with DayZ.st, so everyone knows that all .st servers have the map, can see where everyone is at, used to admin abuse and spawning crap for themselves. We don't play those games. We want a fair and honest server and a good time for all.

The sever, as of now, has some things modified. First, there are a few more chopper crashes. Somewhere between 8 & 12. The number of loot spawns at the crahses is also increased to a minimum of 6 loot spawns. This is to give everyone a fair chance of getting a decent weapon that they may have never got to use before.

Also, things such as vehicles and choppers have been increased. Not to a crazy amount, but to give everyone, once again, a fair shot at getting to fly or drive something. There are a total of 3 fully repaired vehicles on the map, two cars/trucks and one chopper. Everything else needs fixin'.

As stated though, this could all change depending on what, you, the community wants. We want to build a nice following of quality players. We don't mind bandits either, we actually want them. Same with friendlies. We want everyone. We will repsond to ALL questions. Even ones that are considered "noobish." Myself and the other server admin are tired of all the kiddies, that know the answers, but refuse to answer. We are here to help.

So, come in, join us, have some fun. Over the next couple days, once the forums are finalized and all prettied up, vote on the server settings. This is the chance for you to have a server without paying for it. We want to give the community what it wants. Below is the server information, as well as, the listing at GameTracker. If anyone has any questions, email myself or the other admin at:

[email protected]

Server Information:

Map: Chernarus

Name: DayZChernarus - ( CH:ON)(Start Gear: Limited)(Vehicles: Oh ya, Tons!) Private Hive - A Few Good Zombies | DayZ.ST

For some more information, check out our forums (You do not need to register):


The GameTracker wicked - cool server image with information:




A Few Good Zombies

Edited by afewgoodzombies

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Gonna check this server out! Looks like it should be fun seeya online -Mitch


Edited by M16greengecko

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I'm sorry, this is super late, but here is the information you requested:


Server Name: A Few Good Zombies

Forums: tinyurl.com/afgzserver (You do not need to register to view posts)

We currenly have custom buildings in various locations, autorefuel, dedicated free Teamspeak, and what is known as the 'Tin Can Trading Post'. This is where players can purchase many items using tin cans that they collect. Wanted to make a new dynamic to the game. Currently as of this post, the server is down, as we apply more scipts and updates. But it will be back up shortly from the time of of this post.

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