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world_vehicle Accidentally replaced/deleted

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So i found a query/script to add +240 or so more vehicles to World_vehicle , posted by some guy on http://www.tunngle.n...41#entry1097241 , and although technically it did "add" the vehicles, it also replaced/deleted my entire world_vehicle table. I made my dayz database a long time ago, i cant even remember how i got all the world_vehicle entries, i am using Reality server pack and HeidiSQL. One thing i do want to AVOID at all costs is rebuilding my package or anything that will destroy my current mods/scripts that took me ages to put in place. Hopefully someone who has reality server pack can copy/paste their world_vehicle to me with all the default spawns(hopefully in some kind of format where i don't have to add them manually)? it would help greatly.


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I dont know much about other "packs", is this a chernarus server?

And i think this is why it replaced all your spawns:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `world_vehicle`;

Edited by Draay

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yes its chernarus but im pretty sure reality has the default spawns for mostly every map in world_vehicle .

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Anyone at all have the time to help? at least half the vehicles this guy posted are for Rmod only (which i don't have or want to use) and at least 20% of them are broken spawns e.g. bi-plane next to a shop.

Until i get my vehicles sorted out no-one is going to be playing on my server.. :/ I really want to sort this out fast so i can start adding my own worldspace spawns, its gunna take a while to do that (i want at least 100-200 custom spawns on top of defaults) so its best to get started early as possible.

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Ok so if you open your database(e.g. heidisql), go to world_vehicle , click the "data" tab at the top, press ctrl+ A to select all (text should turn black) then right click on a row and near the bottom it should say export grid rows - make sure row selection has all of your rows selected choose output format on the left to "SQL INSERTs" . If you have "copy to clipboard" then all you have to right click - paste into a new post on this forum :)


I will upload a screenshot and post it soon to help even more


Edited by Lightstylez

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come on Pleeeeeaaseee can someone just follow the 30 second guide i have sent to help me.. or i will be stuck without any vehicle spawns forever.

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