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Land Squid

Possible counter to alt-f4

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Best way to solve this is make it so that if you have been in combat within the last 2 mins and you logout your char stays in the world until those 2 mins are up.

This would solve the problem of PKing and dcing as well as dcing to lose the trail of zombies you're being chased by. If you haven't been in combat within the last 2 mins you just log out as normal. Just show a flag on the debug menu that lets you know whether it's safe to log or not.

This is how most games handle the problem. I ran a PvP Minecraft server for a while. Because there was no way to stop people from logging out, we used a mod that would clone the person who combat-logged, and make an NPC with the logged out player's inventory. You could then easily kill the NPC and take the loot. If you did kill the NPC, it would tell the server the person died, and when they came back online, they would be dead with nothing in their inventory.

I personally wouldn't have the NPC stand there for a whole 2 minutes, but 20-30 seconds is more than long enough for other players to kill it. What I'm suggesting would be a good way to solve them "oh shit I'm being shot at, alt-f4!". It wouldn't really solve killing one person, and then running away, finding a hiding spot, and logging out quick. It would also stop people from logging out to get rid of zombies trailing them. The zombies could still beat the NPC to death.

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