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Bandit Challenge

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Now I won't lie, I'm a BANDIT. I love nothing more than hunting men (and women) across this great wilderness that is DayZ. PvE just doesn't cut the mustard anymore, zombies are a mere annoyance and playing Grizzly Adams (showing my age now) is, well just dull. So there you have it, I'm not a nice guy, I murder for the sport, hunting in DayZ is so much more than CoD or BF.

However I've been doing this a long time and it's time to up the challenge a notch or two. So I've set myself some rules with which to play by and thought I'd share them here.

First, start again as a new spawn, lose that DMR you've become soooooo fond of, say bye bye to the Alice pack, Ghillie and all the comforts in life. Suicide or drop it all in church for those most in need.

From here on in its simple, you can ONLY pick up loot from bodies. Everything from food, weapons and bandages must be collected from the dead. Now just getting started you need to head to town and hope for some road kill, lol. Now out might get lucky, i found a body on Taviana with a red dot LMG and Lapuna the other day. Now you need to be disciplined, you pick up that tin of beans from the supermarket and your only cheating yourself. It's also cheating to get our mates to kill them :P So if you wanna try, post back here and let me know how it went.

Happy hunting fellow Bandits.

Edited by DazTroyer
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That's one I haven't tried yet. Sounds like a good reason to hop on a public hive for a while.

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Do you mind if I quote this post on my forum?

I'm sure the players on my server would appreciate this challenge

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Not well. I (luckily) found some poor bastard getting mauled by zombies, legs broken and crawling away from the horde eating his feet. I waited it out until he died, then went up to his body and found a winchester with some ammo, beans, and 1 bandage. I used the winchester to shoot at a car that was coming and blew it up, then I killed another man who ran up to the flaming wreck foolishly. Then I got killed by some white knighters prowling the cities killing bandits.

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I went down in a blaze of glory last night and said goodbye to my DMR, camo gear ect, starting all over again.

I went to Balota airfield and found someone in the tower dead with an M4A1 and a couple of rounds, whilst looting I wasn't prone and thought, wait a minute this seems suspicious, I spoke to soon and started getting shot at. The guy was in the field waiting for someone to climb the tower, so he got a few shots on me and reduced my blood count significantly, so I was shaking all over the place.

The guy ran out of bullets, and obviously assumed I was a noob and tried to convince me over chat that he wasn't going to shoot me and try and help me (lol) I said "Ok sure" after he tried to kill me and proceeded to climb up the ladder. He didn't make it too far until I had a shot on his head, but before I was able to loot his corpse a horde of zombies awaited me.

I like this idea though, and will try it most of the time when I'm on.

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