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ZeroStar DayzChernarus

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Server IP:

Host Provider: DayZ.ST

Host City: Dallas, TX

Map: DayZChernarus

Hive: Private

Difficulty: Veteran

Security: Battle Eye/Gotcha Anti-Hack

Restarts: 6hrs

Day Cycle: 24hr Daylight

Wheeled Vehicles: 180

Air Vehicles: 10

Active Admins: zero.Kain (37) zero.Lite (27) Experinced Game Admins

Server Rules

No voice over Side Channel.

Refrain from heavy trolling.

Absolutely NO Hacking, Cheating, or use of items believed to be the result of such.

Respect Administrators and give them your full compliance

Violation of Server Rules will result in Warning, Kick, Ban.

About Custom Vehicle Spawns

We didn't just add spawns, we removed, moved and changed each spawn.

Placing vehicles in logical locations/settings and giving them realistic damage values.

ATVs and Dirtbikes on the woodland trails, SUVs in the heart of the suburbs.

Boats floating beside the piers, Cars along the coast.

Community Run

We want to hear what our guests want and need to enjoy our server.

See something wrong or thought of change for the better? Submit it.

If we like it too, we might impliment it. Adding a hour of night, reducing

vehicles, even disabling 3rd person; if its what the majority of our guests

want, its what we want. Without you its just another empty server.


Edited by zerolite

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