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Established Server, Helpful HONEST admins, Added Buildings, Military Loot,US West with good Pings to CA,AU,AS,JA,MX,NZ

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Update 6/23 - Added part salvaging (take parts from one car to put on another)

Update 6/23- Looks like he have the "black loading" screen bug fixed.

Update 6/21- Fixed Tent and Vehicle save Bug in

Update 6/20 - Running

Update 6/15 - Running 1.7.7 with many bugs fixed

Update 5/24 - Buildings added to Skalisty Island and a bridge placed to get there!

-=Hells Hideout=-

Server IP-

TS3 - ts.Hellshideout.com (Just ask me and Ill give you and your team a private channel)

Website - Hellshideout.com

Populated server seeking more players. (Generally we have 12-50 players online)

We at this point intend on have a SA server ASAP. So you wont need to find a new place to play once it comes out!

Clans welcome!

NOOBS WELCOME Many people are helpful.... but many will KOS..... welcome to Dayz!

WE BAN CHEATERS! We have banned more cheaters and ASSHATS today than your moms server did all week!

We have over 3000 bans on our server. We have active admins and a custom BE script set that catches multiple cheaters daily.

This is not a "pay to win" server. You CANNOT pay money to get fancy loot.

NON US players welcome. But we prefer ENGLISH in sidechat!


Added Firehouses

Added Barracks

24/7 Daylight

Player Stats


300+ Vehicles

Auto refuel

Good pings to many parts of the word.

Active admins!


The only admin with full access to the server is me.

Unlike other servers the admins here cannot see you, cheat you, spawn items or do other malicious activity's that take away from YOUR gameplay.

Admins on my server are as blind as you are, and can simply kick or ban players.

You will NEVER get punished for killing an admin here.

If an admin has a fully kit, and nice weapons, its because he EARNED it, not because he pressed the easy bottom.

All admins are mature and our youngest is 24 years of age.

Server Rules

1. NO voice chat is Side chat

2. Dont be a Douche bag

3. NO cheating

Be forewarned ..... We are OVER cheater and punks. If your mission is to annoy other people on OUR server...... you will be banned.

Please join us!


Edited by 2gunz
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whitelisting or open? I may check you out this weekend, depending on the server pop (high is good!)

Edited by ToxicSludge

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Sorry failed to mention that.

Currently it is open. However we may white list again at some point if the cheating gets to be to much to handle.

If that happens it will be whitelisted on my end with no user intervention.

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Looking for some REAL players............

Banning Douchebags and cheaters one at a time!

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Have played on this server for a few months. No problems the entire time... bump :)

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Sure there's lots of servers out there with lots of extra goodies and perks but a lot of them are run by people who want an advantage over you and/or have no clue how to,or want to,take the extra time to run it properly.these guys are a cut above the rest and you wont be sorry if you give it a shot hands down best server I've played on

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really good server, never any lag or low fps and i haven't encountered a cheater so far.

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