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The 12th Marines are recruiting!

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The 12th Marine are recruiting, and we want you!


We are a clan looking for new members. as many as we can get, as long as you fill out the application and it is verified legit. your in.

now a few things you should know

1. We follow a Chain of Command. it is required of all Marines

2. We require our Marines to be respectful. not nice, respectful.

3. We dont care how new you are. if your a well expereinced player or a confused greenhorn, we will accept you

4. Equitment is not required.

5. When in order is given.you follow it.

Heres the Fields for the application


Time zone:



Question1: how long have you been playing DayZ?

Question2: How long have you been playing ARMA II?

Question3: what is your prefered field? ( Sniper. Engineer, Rfileman, Etc.)


I swear by my Honour, and my Valor. that i will follow my brothers into battle. stick with them thick and thin. and never leave a brother behind. and if i shall fall, i will fall with my Honour, and my Valor. i swear to follow the words and orders of my commanders. i also swear if im in a postition of command, i shall give fair, prescise order. this is swear, to the 2th Marines

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Name:Ryan Segovia

Time zone:UTC/GMT -6 hours


Experience:Just started

Question1: how long have you been playing DayZ? like for 2 hours

Question2: How long have you been playing ARMA II? Atleast a day

Question3: what is your prefered field? ( Sniper. Engineer, Rfileman, Etc.) Rfileman


I swear by my Honour, and my Valor. that i will follow my brothers into battle. stick with them thick and thin. and never leave a brother behind. and if i shall fall, i will fall with my Honour, and my Valor. i swear to follow the words and orders of my commanders. i also swear if im in a postition of command, i shall give fair, prescise order. this is swear, to the 2th Marines

Edited by eNv Hades

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Name: Raymond

Time zone: Est


Experience: Started 4 Months Ago

Question1: how long have you been playing DayZ?

3 Months.

Question2: How long have you been playing ARMA II?

4 Months

Question3: what is your prefered field? ( Sniper. Engineer, Rfileman, Etc.)

I would prefer Rifleman or Sniper.


I swear by my Honour, and my Valor. that i will follow my brothers into battle. stick with them thick and thin. and never leave a brother behind. and if i shall fall, i will fall with my Honour, and my Valor. i swear to follow the words and orders of my commanders. i also swear if im in a postition of command, i shall give fair, prescise order. this is swear, to the 2th Marines

Edited by raymond531

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Age: 13

Name: John

Expierence: 2 months before dayz came out playing arma 2

time zone: central american

I answered basically the first 2 questions.,..

I prefer A pointman, i had tooken out 14 or so people at the airfield before with a colt and im a crack shot

skype: alecsmeltzer

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Age: 13

Name: John

Expierence: 2 months before dayz came out playing arma 2

time zone: central american

I answered basically the first 2 questions.,..

I prefer A pointman, i had tooken out 14 or so people at the airfield before with a colt and im a crack shot

skype: alecsmeltzer

excuse me, but we do need the Oath

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Name: Ryan

Time zone: Eastern

Age: 20

Experience: Few months

Question1: how long have you been playing DayZ? For a few months

Question2: How long have you been playing ARMA II? ABout the same

Question3: what is your prefered field? ( Sniper. Engineer, Rfileman, Etc.) Rifleman/Sniper


I swear by my Honour, and my Valor. that i will follow my brothers into battle. stick with them thick and thin. and never leave a brother behind. and if i shall fall, i will fall with my Honour, and my Valor. i swear to follow the words and orders of my commanders. i also swear if im in a postition of command, i shall give fair, prescise order. this is swear, to the 2th Marines

Edited by Pharcyde

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Name: Alan

Time zone: Eastern

Age: 25

Experience: Very little. I have watched many many hours of streams, but little playing.

Question1: how long have you been playing DayZ?

Answer 1: About a week.

Question2: How long have you been playing ARMA II?

Answer 2: Same.

Question3: what is your prefered field? ( Sniper. Engineer, Rfileman, Etc.)

Answer 3: Dont have enough experience but support, scout.

Oath (spell checked for precise oath taking)

I swear by my Honour, and my Valor that I will follow my brothers into battle, stick with them thick and thin, and never leave a brother behind... and if I shall fall, I will fall with my Honour, and my Valor. I swear to follow the words and orders of my commanders. I also swear if im in a postition of command, i shall give fair, prescise order. this I swear, to the 12th Marines.

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Name: Jerork

Time zone: US

Age: 23

Experience: Watched every episode of MLP and Man Vs Wild. Secretly a pedophile.

Question1: how long have you been playing DayZ?

Answer 1: Since release

Question2: How long have you been playing ARMA II?

Answer 2: Never

Question3: what is your prefered field? ( Sniper. Engineer, Rfileman, Etc.)

Answer 3: Scavenging/looting for pylons and gold cookies


I swear by my Sword, my Shield and my Axe that I will follow my brothers into battle, abandon them at the first sign of battle and loot their corpses afterwards. I swear to find the location of the clan's item stock piles and relay their details all over the forums for everyone to pilage. I swear also to kill all members of the 18th infantry on sight during in-game meetings after gaining their trust and spare children below 12 so i can hook them up on skype and bring them to my van for free candy.

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Time zone:GMT 0+


Experience: extremely experienced

Question1: how long have you been playing DayZ? around 10 months

Question2: How long have you been playing ARMA II? around 12 months

Question3: what is your prefered field? ( Sniper. Engineer, Rfileman, Etc.) Sniper. But will take any role.


I swear by my Honour, and my Valor. that i will follow my brothers into battle. stick with them thick and thin. and never leave a brother behind. and if i shall fall, i will fall with my Honour, and my Valor. i swear to follow the words and orders of my commanders. i also swear if im in a postition of command, i shall give fair, prescise order. this is swear, to the 2th Marines

Edited by BarsyB

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Name: Anthony

Time zone: GMT +0

Age: 18

Experience: Alot of experience playing Arma, Battlefield Etc.

Question1: how long have you been playing DayZ?

4/5 Months

Question2: How long have you been playing ARMA II?

7/8 Months

Question3: what is your prefered field? ( Sniper. Engineer, Rfileman, Etc.)



I swear by my Honour, and my Valor. that i will follow my brothers into battle. stick with them thick and thin. and never leave a brother behind. and if i shall fall, i will fall with my Honour, and my Valor. i swear to follow the words and orders of my commanders. i also swear if im in a postition of command, i shall give fair, prescise order. this is swear, to the 2th Marines

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