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Lefty Guns

Which Server Platform?????

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I hear a lot of back and forth on Arma/DayZ and I need some answers.

Here's what I am looking to do:

- Dedicated Server

- Single Instance of DayZ

- Maximum # of slots possible

I can't seem to find any data on how servers out there are performing. Right now, I am running a dedicated e3-1250 and I'm able to handle 60 players fine with a reboot every 3-6 of hours.

My provider can get me the following hardware to achieve my goals:

- e3-1270v2

- e3-1290v2

I am open to suggestions but I can't seem to find any provider willing to offer anything other than server grade platforms.

Also, I am thinking long-term here and I do realize current Arma limitations but the beta code does run much better than before and it seems to continue to improve. I think there are some things on the DayZ code that could be fixed to improve client performance/fps issues.

Thanks for your help,


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