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Stolen CD key

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About 2 weeks ago I let my friend use my computer and play the ArmA 2 OA mod Dayz. When I came back, he had tried to install a hack for Dayz which supposedly worked. It didn’t. After doing some research, I found out my CD key was stolen (it appears as 0000000000 in my registry) and whenever I try to launch ArmA 2 OA, it says “Bad serial given in setup”. I Re installed the game on a different steam account, but my CD key still appears as 000000000 and i cant run Dayz. Help? (sorry for reposting, i was getting no replies)

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Hi. All you can do is clean your registry and re-purchase.

There is no way of us or BIS protecting you from letting your friends hack with your account. As with any game, your key is your responsibility to keep safe, you failed to do that and it got stolen.

Edited by Fraggle

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Right, your "friend"...

Either way, your CD-key's gone. You can buy Operation Arrowhead again to get a new one, but I wouldn't bother unless you're 101% sure that key stealer's gone, and the only way to be sure is to format your hard-drive or reinstall your OS.

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(sorry for reposting, i was getting no replies)

Y'know, replies aren't instant. It may take some time, be patient for Christ's sake..

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A) Don't hack and try to blame it on your friend.

B ) Find better friends.

C) There's nothing we can do for you here. These are the forums for DayZ. The problem is with your ARMA OA key. Pretty much your only option is to buy the game again and format your HDD before installing. That's pretty much karma for hacking.

Edited by Target Practice
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OP - All you can do is fromat your HD and reinstall your OS. Until you've done that you can't be sure the malware has been removed. That really is the only advice I have for you.


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