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Cheese Grinder

Would Dayz feel/be different if...

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...the original map was not chernarus, but instead was something else, like dessert or urban map instead?

Personally I always thought that this post-Soviet theme works kind of great and makes Dayz very unique. As a Russian speaker I had some laughs when my Western friends were trying to read out the name of the towns :D

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It would be different as it won't have the same atmosphere. This is why I only like to play on Chernarus, other maps do not have the same vibe.

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I think whatever map we originally got was going to always grow on us. It's the map we all started playing on, and probably enjoyed the most.

Fun fact, DayZ was made for Utes in the earlier stages of development.

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There are plenty of other maps(Fallujah, Takistan, Lingor) which are all awesome. Find one which suits your style and stick to it. You can find out how they look by going to www.dayzdb.com/map, then go to Maps or w/e and choose one which you like to see how it looks like :)

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There are plenty of other maps(Fallujah, Takistan, Lingor) which are all awesome. Find one which suits your style and stick to it. You can find out how they look by going to www.dayzdb.com/map, then go to Maps or w/e and choose one which you like to see how it looks like :)

I know that and I have tried all these maps, but Chernarus is my favorite. I think it will be so much better cause Rocket will add more highlights to map so you don't have to run kilometers to get from one place to another

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I like Cherna too, but is good, because is Bohemia made, pro level and is weird, when you see east european villagers, zeds in Takistan or other middle east maps :)

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I think whatever map we originally got was going to always grow on us. It's the map we all started playing on, and probably enjoyed the most.

Fun fact, DayZ was made for Utes in the earlier stages of development.

Utes is just south-east of Chernarus, it's pretty much the same setting. :)

Edited by mZLY

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i havnt played any other maps but want to try namalsk

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Utes is just south-east of Chernarus, it's pretty much the same setting. :)

When the SA gets released i'm going to live on UTES.

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Chernarus just feels... 'cozy'. It's the best map in my very honest opinion.

I love sitting in the deep forests at night next to a roaring campfire.

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Chernarus currently feels very empty as in basically everything between the coast and nwaf is nearly all useless with the exeption of stary.

This is why I like taviana, loot feels more balanced and spread evenly but still gives off the post russian apocalypse feel that chernarus does

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Well, the devs have added many new locations to Chernarus in the SA, so I'm not too worried about it being empty.

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