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Your best Experience playing as a hero!

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What was your best experience when playing as a hero?

Mine where 2 and where 5 days ago

Experience 1:

I was going to Grishino looking for helicrash without NVG because i didnt have a pair, it was dark, and i hear a guy saying:

Hey, mate, are you friendly?

It was a hero, so i said yeah and he asked me to drop my gun.

I did it.

We teamed up and looted NWA, now we are friends and play every day.

Experience 2:

My friend and i where on a rescue mission, trying to protect a friends body (the body was on the cherno firestation), then somebody walks out there, and my new friend says, hey man, put your gun in your backpack, and dont move. Then when our friend came and retrieved the body, we talk to the guy and says he wants a bloodbag, i walked there, gave him a bloodbag, then went our ways, but he talks to me, and after like 5 minutes talking i think he seems like a nice guy, so i ask him his skype and then we played the three of us together since monday. Seems that there is still hope to make friends ingame.

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I repaired and gave away a Huey today. Helped some people new to the particular server get a good start. In time I hope they help someone else, and so on. No humanity score increase, but maybe some education that people can be good out on the Internet. Firepower to the people!

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Seeing a car explode in Zelenogorsk (spelling?) and sprinting over to heal and revive all 3 people, keep the zombies off of them then help them get their gear back that day.

And that warm feeling I get when killing a sniper hunting bambi's and then giving said bambi all the gear...minus the sniper

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It's rather funny how there are so many profile pictures of ponies inhere :) i like it!

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Single handedly rescuing survivors from groups of bandits

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