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Want to join bandit group/clan.

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Just as the title says, I'd like to join a group of (mature) people that like to shoot other people. I've played DayZ perhaps 10 months now, and I'm very versatile in my gameplay types. In other words, I do what is necessary to kill my target. Was a survivor for a bit, but by far banditry is the most fun out of the ways to play DayZ, therefore I plan to continue playing this way. Been in several clans, but none were specifically bandit clans. So, I figured I'd join one. Very good sniper/driver/shooter-of-any-weapon-really. Will not play with 12 year olds, so kiddie clans please don't try to recruit me, I want a clan that is very mature, that can have a laugh, and likes to kill on sight, so if you've got a clan/are part of a clan that fits these standards, hit me up.I will also play just about any map put forth as well. BTW, I have teamspeak3, ventrilo, mumble, and hate using DayZ voicechat, so I want a clan that uses one of those mentioned. (Also, I am 18 years old for those who actually care)

Edited by clobbersaurus1
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hello i just personally bought a server im trying to get a base player amount we have a teamspeak if ur willing to join in and talk for a sec CrazyCarnageGaming.teamspeak.cc so i can explain more

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