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LAG in Day Z

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Hi guys, i just bought a new computer and i bought Day Z too. My problem is: In the towns i got max of 7 fps and when im not in the town i wont get more than 14 fps. I do really want to play Day Z with no lag. I also changed my quality settings to very low and still the same fps. Can anyone help me pls?

My computer:

Graphic Card: Intel® HD Graphics 3000

Processor: Intel® Core i5 - 2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.30GHz

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If you have the wrong resolution, change it to native resolution of your screen. Specifically a wrong 3d-resolution can cause some major loss of FPS. Also, you shouldnt just put everything to very low, it might be even worse that way. Just my 2 cents, am not really an expert on this.

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You might benefit from using RAMdisk I'm using my phone to reply so I can I can't get you a link to a tutorial but just YouTube "DayZ RamDisk and the first video should be the tutorial I used. It should definetly help your frames, but your CPU might be holdin you back a bit too, DayZ is a CPU intensive game...

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I have a GTX560 and i5, and have FPS problems too ..

the ARMA is very buggy

and servers are bad

unfortunately ...

More to keep playing and hoping the dayz Stadanlone...

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Looks like a laptop

I would assume the cpu is okayish for dayz but that intergrated gpu will bring it down.

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It is a laptop and that's a dual-core i5. That system's nowhere near good enough to play DayZ, sorry.

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