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What's your best sniper spot?

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Hello everyone,

I was wondering: What is your best sniper spot?

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Behind the scope?

If you want to support your team, your best spot is where you have a good overview and can distinguish friend from foe.

But by the sound of it, you just want to kill players, climb on top of a building in one of the major towns and shoot away.

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On the hills, if you are on top of a building you are easy prey for other snipers who arent.

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Get a ghillie suit and head for the hills.

Either that or go to the industrial area in cherno and pray someone doesn't spawn right behind you.

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Haha Big. Thats a nice spot.

I generally actually enjoy buildings laying beside them facing Hills, but thats just me killing other bandits/survivors.

In my story we killed a bandit from a hill, then two more running up the hill to kill us and finally two more in the city. Movement is key.

Always nice to have friends and spotters.

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Nowadays? The best sniper spot is on the coast standing waist deep in the ocean. All the fresh meat can't shoot back.

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Nowadays? The best sniper spot is on the coast standing waist deep in the ocean. All the fresh meat can't shoot back.

Wow, thats .. sad.

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best spot for you is in cherno, tallest building you can climb with the loudest rifle you can find. It will be an experience to tell your grandchildren about :D

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Nowadays? The best sniper spot is on the coast standing waist deep in the ocean. All the fresh meat can't shoot back.

Wow' date=' thats .. sad.


Well, aint that what rocket wants right now? Tell me if he doesn't

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kneestanding inside a tree, or lay down in the grass in a ghillie suit.

however make sure the server dont show names when ya aim at someone cuz that is used for nonsnipers to spot you, find a high place and dont always use the absolute best posision cuz they will look for you there first, overwiev and stealth, however i mostly hunting night using NV googls, M4A1 SD and my dear DMR

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My favourite spot is on top of the fire station on NW airfield.

I thought about just camping it out there after I got a m14 from 2 guys in stary sobor, I was somewhat bored of just running around in cities shooting at every noob with a makarov so I went over there and supplied up on meat & water on the way.

When I got myself settled down I started the waiting game, you can just lay down by the wall on top of there and you will only be somewhat visible from the forrest on the north-east side of the hangars/firestation. Depending on how far view distance your computer can handle i gues you can have a pretty good overview over the entire place.

The big groups i've encountered are so sure of their own abilities/firepower that they dont bother avoiding zombies, they just shoot them with their loud-ass sniper rifles and whatnot.

They never bother to clean up after themselves either, leaving a trail of bodies.

Managed to stay alive and kill about 14-15 people up there, from 5 different "groups", got sniped by some ghillie bastard,(last man standing) that managed to run behind some trees and snipe me 2-3 minutes later.

PROS: 2 out of 5 encounters have been 4-6 man groups. Medium geared, varying degree of teamplay. The rest are solo or duo, some of them in pretty good gear(nvgs and shit).

Quite exciting when they understand where you are and want vengeance for their fallen comrades.

CONS: Can be very boring(bring a book, lol) for long stretches of time.

Needs to be well supplied in terms of food/water/heatpads.

ADVICE: This will be more fun if you got a buddy you can play with, that is able to handle the "do nothing for 20 minutes, untill the shit hits the fan" gameplay this presents.

Having no backup was what got me in the end, hard to keep track of the exact movement of 2 people by yourself.

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The best sniper spot, is the one that's not mentioned....

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Wherever I can provide good overwatch to my squad while they loot a town.

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My favourite spot is on top of the fire station on NW airfield.

I thought about just camping it out there after I got a m14 from 2 guys in stary sobor' date=' I was somewhat bored of just running around in cities shooting at every noob with a makarov so I went over there and supplied up on meat & water on the way.

When I got myself settled down I started the waiting game, you can just lay down by the wall on top of there and you will only be somewhat visible from the forrest on the north-east side of the hangars/firestation. Depending on how far view distance your computer can handle i gues you can have a pretty good overview over the entire place.


A few days ago I shot a bandit/survivor from 700 meters. He was camping on top of the NW fire station. From my position I can clearly see the hangars, the control tower and the fire station.

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Well, i can simply say that to the guy's picking spots within the airfield, you are makeing my job easy! :D

As im laying outside the airfield, which makes the range to the firestation 800-900meters..

So far i haven't died on the airfield either, so i guess i have a good spot..

Where is the question right?

A good sniper never reveals his spot!

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It varies entirely by situation, and I'm usually supporting team mates in town but what I generally look for is:

1. Off the beaten path

2. Good elevation + cover

3. Minimal counter sniping spots.

4. Ease of egress after fire, especially if having to re-locate to put down additional fire.

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Drakon island lighthouse 50 cal zeroed in at 1700

For what, hitting invisible targets that are out in the fog? :)

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