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i understand this server is still under develop.

I tried this server out I Loved it. I like the parachuting spawn near the shore. i didnt get to connect the ts with acre.

but after 1-2 minute being in the server i get kick out the game, like if i disconnected myself, no errors it says pvt something something disconnected and then it shows the player list.

Also, one of the instalation step says to copy the addons from arma2:oa expansion folder on to arma 2 oa directory . doing this is almost 8g file copy. I had to delete and make a lot of room to make this possible.

if only there was another way. now my arma 2 folder is around 30g big trying to get this server to work

is there a work around?

will this server be up soon?

and if you take down the password. wont the server have better population?

you can always put the server back up once people are getting in and its getting populated .

how close are you guys getting to be able to put this in the dayzcommander map/mod section

edit: when trying to setup the mod. I was on team speak and few other player tried to get this set up.

So atleast theres a few people trying to get it working, I was able to run around and parachute spawn and i tried to meet the other 1 player who was alone on the server when i join, i tried to meet with him or speak to him but the global chat was turned off. is it possible to have it working for the first week of the development of this mod? it helps us to work together and talk to eachother on news about this mod and news on fixing the issues.

if i was able to speak to that single person on the server i could of spoken to him on issues hes having compared to issues im having. fixes. anything realy.

i personally think global chat should be turned on for first few weeks of this mod getting started

I hate global chat in most games. when its full and working i believe global chat needs to be OFF

but because this is development mode it would be really amazing if this would work the global chat

Edited by nakedslave

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i understand this server is still under develop.

I tried this server out I Loved it. I like the parachuting spawn near the shore. i didnt get to connect the ts with acre.

but after 1-2 minute being in the server i get kick out the game, like if i disconnected myself, no errors it says pvt something something disconnected and then it shows the player list.

Also, one of the instalation step says to copy the addons from arma2:oa expansion folder on to arma 2 oa directory . doing this is almost 8g file copy. I had to delete and make a lot of room to make this possible.

if only there was another way. now my arma 2 folder is around 30g big trying to get this server to work

is there a work around?

will this server be up soon?

and if you take down the password. wont the server have better population?

you can always put the server back up once people are getting in and its getting populated .

how close are you guys getting to be able to put this in the dayzcommander map/mod section

edit: when trying to setup the mod. I was on team speak and few other player tried to get this set up.

So atleast theres a few people trying to get it working, I was able to run around and parachute spawn and i tried to meet the other 1 player who was alone on the server when i join, i tried to meet with him or speak to him but the global chat was turned off. is it possible to have it working for the first week of the development of this mod? it helps us to work together and talk to eachother on news about this mod and news on fixing the issues.

if i was able to speak to that single person on the server i could of spoken to him on issues hes having compared to issues im having. fixes. anything realy.

i personally think global chat should be turned on for first few weeks of this mod getting started

I hate global chat in most games. when its full and working i believe global chat needs to be OFF

but because this is development mode it would be really amazing if this would work the global chat

About the kicks issue - read the FAQ in the ACRE installation guide (solution number 1).

About having to copy the addons folder - I haven't really checked why it's doing it and why it's required, I'mma give it some more time this week.

About global chat - we won't turn on global chat because then there will be no purpose for ACRE.

I will be alot on TS this week so feel free to hop on

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Im still keeping an eye on this mod, excite for when its ready. Lots of people are excited for this in my group.

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Im still keeping an eye on this mod, excite for when its ready. Lots of people are excited for this in my group.

What do you mean when it's ready? It is ready man, yes we are still working on it but it's 100% playable and we need testers so yeah ;)

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How have i not been here before, sounds awesome.


Talk to me about the base-building, I searched for videos from your server covering building but other than the video of the gate i found nothing.

what can I build ? do i collect materials ? is there a break down of said materials documented ?

Edited by mofokk

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Admins given in I think. Looked interesting but not so much fun playing alone :(

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Yeah we gave up.. Dedicated server cost and web hosting cost were too high for an empty server, we tried, it didn't work.. We might come back in the future.

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