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US 303 Dallas - Silly Sausage - Teleporting

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Server: US 303 Dallas (v1.7.6.1/build 102591) [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:ON][uTC +9]

Time (Server Time): 5:00 - 6:00AM (UTC +9)

Time (My Time): 3:00 - 4:00AM (GMT -5)

Player Name: Silly Sausage

Suspected of using teleport hacks numerous times when my teammates and I noticed the player repeatedly appearing near us after just killing them. The first few times we saw and killed the player they had a blue face however the last few times they appeared to have a bandit skin. We recognized the player not only by their blue face, but the fact their name - Silly Sausage - kept appearing after we killed them.

My teammates and I are hoping that server logs can be reviewed if a server administrator sees this thread or the evidence that will be provided will be clear enough when posted. My teammates will be posting back on this shortly to confirm as well.

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I'll look into this. For the fastest response, though, please post all ban requests to our forums at http://clansm.net/ . I only know about posts in these forums when I get a Google Alert about them, which can sometimes take a few days.

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