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concerned mom

Playing without admin rights at work

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Hi guys, loving this game at home but have come up with a few problems playing at work.

The main problem is I get kicked out of the game because BattleEye failed to update. This is because I can't run it as an administrator at work. Is there a port I can ask I.T to unblock? If I have to run it as an administrator (don't think I'll be allowed) can I set it to an EXE anywhere?

Also I noticed that my character isn't the one I use at home, so it seems like the steam account doesn't matter. Are names on the list and chars saved linked to IP and Windows User accounts? My name at home and at work always comes up as my Windows User name which is a little strange. Is there any way to change this, or unify the two? Is there a way to change my name in game? The profile thing doesn't seem to let me.

Thanks for any help.

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