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someone team up?

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Someone wanna teamup. i just got a new gaming rig, im playing all on very-high.

I live in the netherlands, i can talk english pretty good..

If you wanna teamup, hit me up on Skype, just reply.

SKYPE NAME: SpyChickenn

Btw, im a bambi. XD

Edited by D3NTH3M3N

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If you want people to "hit you up" on Skype, it may help to post your Skype username.

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Im new to dayz aswell and from the U.K aged 28 and looking for someone to cover my back. message me on this site.

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If you need a server to play with some of the guys you team'ed up with here feel free to check out my sig, more so especially if your more new to the game, then I'd suggest trying another server if you want to try out some big bad mama jamma snipers.

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