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was playing for about three hours on comms with a couple of dutch guys on thier own server, i was relativly new at this point as were they judging by thier play styles, we had been through the ringer a bit, tho i had kept my composure where possible and minimised any dmg recieved. my amigos on the other had were in a very bad way, its pitch black, they are on less than 3k blood each and cant see shit and if my memory serves me well we were not too far from the coast, msta or somwhere...

i came up with the idea that they should kill them selves and i would regroup with them after grabbing any worth while gear from thier bodys and from what i gathered they seemed to concure. Then the one guys like "I'm not hitting respawn! if i die i want to die like a man... we should shoot each other!" the first guys not up for that shit, dose not want the humanity hit, so he respawns. i aim my winchester at the other guys head and ask him if he wants me to give him an easy way out? and then....

BLAM! the guy blows me away when im on around 10 k blood, loads of gear and no problems healthwise. im like 'there was absolutly no fucking reason for that, my character was perfectly fine!' i didnt care if it was a mis understanding, i rage quit and gtfo there


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oh well i have a nice and short story about me and the annoying Kid

well he added me on skype after he saw one of my topics and i was like sure lets play with him(He was a beginner, didnt know alot)

so he spawnet at electro and i walk there from cherno so he wouldnt get lost and at the moment we meet eachother a total stranger runs

over to us while we yelled "Friendly Friendly Dont shoot we got nothing" on direct chat and he was like "Chill im just Greeting u guys(and then laugh) so we talked to the guy and he told us about some bandits in Electro was running around and shooting ppl for fun, so my New Partner was like "OKAY lets go find some weapones and safe the ppl in need" so i said "sure if thats what u really want to do on your first day then lets do it" he found and m1911 and i found an Ak(something..) and he was like "dude ... im a beginner give me the big gun..." and i said " u better not shoot me in the back with that AK and we traded weps... so we went into Electro and on the way into the (school)(Office) building we found a Bicycle and he was like "dude let me Ride it please i want it" and then i said sure but u better not Drive away from me" and he was like Yea yea yea and he gave it Full Speed on! Drived around the (Office school building) And he ended 15 Feets infront of me and he Gets off his Damn Bicycle and yelled "Die u stupid Mother Bandit!(something like that) in Direct Chat.... and he shot me and then he laugh while yelling my name and he was like "Michael i killed this Bandit man so easily" and it took him like 40 sec to find out that it was actually me he shot ... and the only thing he had to say about it was "Atleast i didnt shoot u in the back.."

Oh well that was my little short story ... xD hope u injoyed ..

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I betrayed a player, he had hidden a bus and server was going to restart so i talked to him and he didn't kill me because i had nothing, i was spamming the refresh button, when i joined i got On the bus and bolted out of there LOL. He was shooting at Me and i just keep driving, he was pissed on side channel and he blamed it on another player. I was just laughing and in the end i crashed into a trash pile and broke 2 wheels. I wasn't mad because i stole a truck,.he blamed someone else and i got far

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