V2_Danny 48 Posted March 1, 2013 BLATANT PROMOTION IMCOMING! IF YOU DON`T LIKE PROMOTIONS GO AWAY!NOTE: This server runs without addons. You do not need to install anything but the vanialla DayZ to play on it.Well hi every reading this. Which properly wont be many, but what the hell, might as well try.Basicly for about 1 months time i have been running the server UK #5005. We have a decent sized returning player base (average 10-15 at weeknights, 15-20 during weekends), and the vast majority of players are very friendly. (i spend alot of time helping people, i think ive only been shot at once.)The admins are active, down to earth, and helpfull. I myself am on every day i have time, and there will nearly allways be someone watching the server, even if theyre not playing.We run custom vehicles, which apart from the odd VW Golf, and rusty Lada, also includes the Armoured, tough, amphibious Vodnik (2 on the server), and the MTVR, an American military truck, just as tough as a Ural, and as fast as a HMMWW.On top of the new wheeled transport, the skies above Chernarus have also changed. Along side the regular Mi17, Huey, AH6 and MH6J (2 seater and 6 seater littlebird), the server includes choppers sutch as the MH60S "Knighthawk", the modernized Mi171Sh and the Hind-D. Right now (since i havent cleaned up the spawns since the new helicopter additions, or precisely added the ones that need precise adding, there are more than 10 active helicopters on the server right now. (A quick count sets 7 helicopters as freshly spawned, not belonging to any group on the server. So getting on today/tonight before i clean the spawns, and getting a helicopter is a viable option (any helicopters you pick up i ofcourse wont delete))).Thats all fine and well with the special vehicles, but the majority of you coming on will most likely top at a offroader or civilian car (there is a 150 cars, so finding one should be to difficult). So lets leave the high end gear, and focus on the things that everyone has access to right off the spawn. The biggest addition i suspect for many is in Kamenka, that hated spawn place for many. Right near the gas station, on the eastern side of town, going towards Komarovo, there now sits a supermarket, filled with all the goods a supermarket does, and should make Kamenka a much more attractive spawn point. Temporary military camps are scattered. Examples include Krutoy Cap, Elektrozavodsk School, Zelenogorsk Supermarket, And a field southwest of Vybor. Other additions include a Helicopter landing strip on top of Klen, and a barrack at NEAF. Future additions include a borderpost near Grozovy pass.That abouts covers the features of the server, and while these are nothing special, the players on the server are friendlier than any other server i have seen, so getting going, and finding people to play with is often easier than normal.I hope to see you on there :)Danny Share this post Link to post Share on other sites