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Help please, cannot find solution.

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Every since I updated to I haven't been able to join any servers. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling updates, DAYZ commander, and ArmA 2 OA itself.

Log into server through DC, get to loading screen, timer starts from 0-30, kicked with error message "something went wrong, disconnect and try again".

Never had problems since updates today. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Most servers are still running 1.7.6 mate, that's why I haven't updated yet, roll your drivers back and wait for the server admins to catch up.

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I had the same issue ... I keep feeling like I am repeating myself.

I had to get a new server pbo file for my server and then I could start connecting to it. Try connect to DE 4265 and see if you are still having this problem. I was able to resolve it as stated and within minutes my server filled up to capacity (40/40).


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If the above solution works, make sure you tick "Hide wrong Mod version" in your filters list.

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I am having this problem with 1 server. And of course its the server I have been playing on the last few days. I have all the right versions can load up all other servers just fine. This is extremely frustrating. Finally got my camp set up with a lot of supplies/weapons and now I can't play that character. First it just takes for ever to load, then I get wind and other ambient sounds with a counter that just keeps going until "something went wrong blah blah blah..." tried the whole verifying cache or whatever through steam and that did jack squat even though it re-downloaded 14 files some reason. Guess its time to hop servers again...sigh

Edited by Gnarkill

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