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SERVER HOPPING firefights (*BIG problem*)

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As a sniper, you should never be in the same location after you fire a shot. If you do not kill your target or suspect more than one target, move somewhere else.

I do not agree with people disconnecting, but the basic concept of being a sniper is 'One shot one kill' You fail to shoot and kill, move, they will likely round behind you and try to kill you. I always MOVE when someone server hops, I always pick spots that require a clear way to see someone coming up to me.

I move to see that spot and I have killed dozens of survivors and bandits that way. Even ones who disconnect like what they have done to you. It is a big help.

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1) you're a terrible shot.

2) you stayed in the same spot for 2 minutes?

Don't try to shift away the focus from the issue by spouting out irrelevant nonsense. You should not have to relocate because someone might hop between servers to come up behind your back.

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maybe the "cooldown timer" when changing between servers (lets say 15 minutes or half an hour) should only effect servers you've already been on. that way you are not penalizing people for trying to go onto a different server but you are only penalizing people that hop back and forth between the same servers to reposition themselves.

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When you DC your body stays, for at least 10 seconds, if not 30, so if you DC you will be killed and your body stays.

And/Or if you leave a server, you may not re enter for at least 5 minutes, maybe 10-15mins or more

I would suggest both, the first stops people leaving on the brink of death, and the second stops them coming back to ambush quickly, though you may have to turn it up to 20 mins tops, which is getting harsh but no major deal.

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ok one word for all your solutinons: disconeting (by loss of internet or a problem) its imposible to see the difference between those

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The proper solution is the EVE Online method. Whenever you log out' date=' your character stays there for 1 minute. If you have fired a weapon or been hit by (or even aggroed) a zombie or been shot at (not meaning hit, meaning any bullet striking within 20 meters of you), you stay in game for longer, possibly 5 or 10 minutes.[/quote']

that doesnt really work either. in a group you can still have one guy walk a few hundred meters away from the fight (so he isn't within shooting range) then he logs off. he logs on different server. he positions himself where his buddies tell him the enemy is. he then logs back onto the first server and spawns behind enemy lines.

you either put a "cooldwon" timer when changing between servers (annoying as hell when you are trying to find a server that is not night), or make people lose stuff in they log onto a different server from the one they are playing.

otherwise people will server hop whenever it's conveinent.

PS; EvE is NOT a good example since there is only one server.

Again, the perfect solution is the EVE one: have only 1 server! This would be impossible as an ArmA mod, but we can dream.

In your example, if the rearward team member is 100 meters behind his buddies and doesn't get shot at, he can flank without ever server hopping (and spare himself two server-hop timers). The fact that server-hop timers negatively impact server hopping to find daylight is also not a drawback. Why should we be encouraging daylight-hopping? If you'll allow me to continue to dream, I'd like to see ~7 hour days, with the day/night cycle synchronized across all servers.

A timer to reconnect to the same server is a terrible solution. It screws over anyone who legitimately DCs and wants to get back online with their friends. Maybe this: you can't connect to a server you've left less than 15 minutes ago if you've been on any other server in the interim?

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i dont mind dying because of bugs (i understand what alpha means).

i dont mind dying because the game is too tough (i like it that way).

BUT: recent dayz firefights looks like this:

i saw someone(or more of them).

i will start shooting (i have good ambush position).

they dissapear(disconnect)

they connect to another server and run behind my back

they disconnect again

they connect again to me - spawn behind me and kill me.

now' date=' for the game which is mainly focused on realism, for the game which is so hard to play, this kind of death, this absence of normal firefights is real problem.

i understand that hackers are everywhere, but this kind of behavior is more frustrating than hacker nukes and server wipes. because this is starting to became normal players behavior.

is there any way to block this kind of actions?

(sorry for my bad english)


This is one of the gamebraking issues currently and this should be really fixed in the future. Loot camping is another issue.

The game is focused on realism, but it was never intended to save characters. If you reconnect in any other multiplayer game, except those rpg mods, you dont advance at your last position either you cant just server hop.

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