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Dayz Aggro Mechanics, Which do you prefer? (poll)

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Since there is so much rage, simply vote for which mechanic you preferred. Ignoring the other points of the patches including los dropping aggro.

Old system, Prior to the 1.7.1 update :

Being able to crouch-walk through towns + crouch run above 50m~ patch:

Crawl through towns or aggro everything

Dayz Aggro Mechanics, Which do you prefer?


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link me to stats on the "majority" of people not wanting to crawl?

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Players in Last 24h: 76,145

Wait for the drop

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I like

The minority are the 1% who come here and complain and the new changes. You sir are the minority, like it or not.

This is the best patch yet.

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Don't get me wrong, everything else about the patch is great. I just don't like being forced to crawl everywhere on the game... might aswell remove morphine.

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I have never had so much fun hiding from zombies and being more careful. I really enjoy the way it is now. The only thing that sucks is that you are more important than I am. Rocket please make the changes he asked for. Ignore all the people who like the changes. We are not as important.

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Must just be coincidence that out of the 10 people I know who play the game, all 10 have quit since the patch. Guess we're just not hardcore enough :(.

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I don't understand why you'd want to crawl around towns and zombies with this patch. You can lose zombies easily.

If you're spotted by a player crawling you are as good as dead. A player running with zombies chasing him is at least hard to hit and he's always a building or a wall away from dropping aggro.

The people whining about DayZ becoming CrawlZ clearly haven't adapted to the new zombies. That's not the fault of the mod.

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All people who think Stealth has been improved by 1.7.1.(1.) are extremely delusional, and can't even begin to take PvP elements into the equation.

New line of sight leaves a gigantic impact on Stealth, generally increasing stealth time SO MUCH that run n' gun becomes infinitely better of an option.

In turn, actual PvP in the game has already begun the process of turning into much the same deal as the clusterfuck you'd see in the coastal towns. I've already seen several reckless players in Stary, NW Airfield and Berezino, that I have frankly NEVER seen in 1.7

People running around, causing a ruckus, shooting zombies, throwing flares and cans and smokes, running a horde of 15+ zombies, then simply hiding in an apartment building, the amount of carelessness is just the same as players who've got nothing to lose running around in Electro.

And rightfully so, because you'd have to be autistic to put up with the gigantic new requirement the new Line of Sight gives you.

But go ahead and disagree. I don't need your opinion. I know I'm right simply because I experienced what I've said.

And all this happened why? Because Rocket listened to idiots who somehow thought crouching can't be stealthy. Well right fucking back at you, because now nobody is going to be stealthy. I'm glad all 5 of you who have a reason to crawl 24/7 from beginning to end in a town have got what you wished for.

Too bad your stupid new mechanic doesn't fit in with literally any other of the gameplay elements.

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I had the same experience, and its more viable to run through cherno and aggro all your zombies onto someone else instead of crawling, or you can just aggro all cherno and run through a building to lose them.

Prefered crouch-walking and crawling at vital points in 1.7.

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9 votes, thats certainly going to cause a stir...

So what you going to do when we get to 1.9.9 or beta, set up another poll asking to revert back to 1.7.0? :rolleyes:

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Just want to see what the community thinks. Vote on the poll so we can give the devs our general feelings towards the last patch. I'm sure everyone likes everything except the aggro ranges and being forced to crawl. Poll already has double the amount of people voting for patch 1.7.0.

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You sir are mad and in the minority, we don't want dayz lite.

Arma 2 is a military simulation game soldiers know the value of cover and concealment, and crawling is a vital tool, I love crawling around zombies its great fun especially if you only play on first person servers as you cant see bugger all and that makes it all the more exciting.

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I have zero problem sneaking through a big city like cherno or berezino. Use prone where needed but flares will make your life so much easier lol.

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Stealth and Fifth, please actually play the version, before misguidedly thinking it's a positive update that improves gameplay.

Because it is provably not the case.

I'm sure it sounded good on paper to you, but the new line of sight can only be called an improvement if you have complete tunnel vision.

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I crawl everywhere anyway cus I'm so damn paranoid in 1.7.0. I'm waiting for things to die down abit before I go into :S

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I have zero problem sneaking through a big city like cherno or berezino. Use prone where needed but flares will make your life so much easier lol.

Case in point for making "Stealth" actually less stealthy.

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Seriously' date=' bring back 1.7.0 so we can start playing the game again. I was having so much fun with my friends before this patch, now none of us play and i'm sure we're not the only ones.

I liked most of the changes that came with patch 1.7.1 except the aggro ranges whilst crouch running/walking. People are referring to the game as CrawlZ now.

Simply give us 1.7.0 with zombies LOS and not being able to hit through walls. Also the new sounds/animations are nice. + fix loot

Lets just make a poll to settle things, it might just be me.



Someone ban this guy, please

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I do think agro ranges need to be toned down a bit, but I only played 1.7.1 and I believe their sight is locked to body direction again in so that is fine.

Also, going back to 1.7.0 would mean getting the starting makarov back, which I am against

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I crawl everywhere anyway cus I'm so damn paranoid in 1.7.0. I'm waiting for things to die down abit before I go into :S

I did too, yet this mechanic changes everything around.

I don't get why some people needed to be forced into crawling 24/7 in order to play like smart players, but now that they have been, everything else is broken and it's not actually smart anymore to keep crawling everywhere.

It's pretty ridiculous not being able to vault over a single fence because a zombie 5 blocks away can see me. It's also pretty ridiculous how crawling completely kills certain mechanics such as hunting down other bandits and positioning yourself based on necessity.

But the zombie enthusiast now have their shitty dream game at least.

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