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Thinking of buying ARMA II just for this game. Few ?s

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Hello Everybody,

I recently came across the Day Z mod for Arma II: Combined Operations. I am kind of curious on what this game is like. First off I like any game that is a FPS that deals with zombies. How hard is it for a noob to actually play this game?

Also, what type of multiplayer is it? Is it a massive multiplayer or does it have servers as say Battlefield 3 with a player limit per server? What is the max limit if there is one, just asking since I like LOTS of people to kill with.

Thank You for your answers!

PS Most likely i will buy ARMA 2: CO for this

Edited by varack

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It has separate servers, however there is a large learning curve that you should be aware of. If you're just starting out I would try wasteland, it is imo the best gamemode for arma 2 (you just login to a wasteland server and it downloads the mission file). Wasteland is pretty much dayz without zombies, there is much more action in wasteland than in regular arma 2, the game was just too slow for me.

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yes servers are limited mostly to 50 players, as a noob youll not really want to meet other players lol as it will mostly result in death lol. best game iv ever played and it's only a mod!!!. kind of game iv always wanted. As to how hard it is well for the first hour or 2 expect to die a few times by then youll have a fair idea of what not to do. imo its worth the buy.

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Is not bad idea to try ARMA FREE. Many people don't like arma style, so you will see. But you must give some time to arma, because this game is different than most of. I have friends from L4D2 and other zombie games, and not all likes dayz, so...

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Is not bad idea to try ARMA FREE. Many people don't like arma style, so you will see. But you must give some time to arma, because this game is different than most of. I have friends from L4D2 and other zombie games, and not all likes dayz, so...

I know many ppl who did, not sure when Standalone is coming out but I'd say it could be many months before something becomes purchasable and I think CO is only $25 now on steam, imo if you play this game, start off by playing with a group, if you wanna try out our server it seems easier for new players, we can help ya out or you can make some friends here and join it together. It's the best way to learn controls, etc

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id suggest you either try out with a group on a Dayz server, or alone or with a group on a Wasteland server.

many people quit this game caus they are tired of getting shot before they even see the other player/guy.

starting out with Wasteland will quickly teach you the combat skills you will need in Dayz.

in Dayz (personal opinion) you have a lot more to lose if you die (you start again with 0 gear) alot of people also ragequit the game thanks to that dynamic, while others (most Dayz players) love it cause it brings excitement and danger, you have te be alert and aware of your surroundings 24/7.

i suggest you start with Wasteland to get used to the routine of dying, picking up new gear and heading back to the location you needed to go.

it will reduce stress while playing dayz.

Gr Gio

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DayZ has a very steep learning curve and can be extremely difficult for new players. That's part of it's charm though, it isn't supposed to be easy.

Most servers hold 30-60 players, there are some that exceed this but 1) Chernarus can become a little crowded with more than 60 players and 2) most servers tend to struggle when they're filled with a huge amount of players.

It kind of sounds like you're approaching DayZ the wrong way though, it's not a 'run around and kill everyone' game, like Battlefield, it's an open world survival sim.

Is not bad idea to try ARMA FREE. Many people don't like arma style, so you will see. But you must give some time to arma, because this game is different than most of. I have friends from L4D2 and other zombie games, and not all likes dayz, so...

Personally, I like both but L4D and DayZ shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence.

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It kind of sounds like you're approaching DayZ the wrong way though, it's not a 'run around and kill everyone' game, like Battlefield, it's an open world survival sim.

To be honest, I made the same mistake. I didn't get DayZ for what it was the first day or two. After that the penny dropped and I realized its all about survival and not about killing zombies. Sure it's part of the survival aspect, but it's not the core gameplay.

The thrill when you meet players in the world is realy cool aswell. Can I trust you, or will you just take my beans when I turn my back at you.

It's kinda like the mindset of the Walking Dead (not the game, the TV Series). Who can i trust, and who i can't. It's great.

If you expect something like Battlefield or L4D, you're gonna be disappointed and you should look elsewhere for a game that fills that need. Something like Dead Island might be better for you then (It's singleplayer and CO-OP though).

Edited by Grumpy Monkey
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Thank you all for the replies.

I kind of like the idea of a survival game that isnt all run around and kill, I just used the Battlefield 3 reference to see how the servers are made up . I had no intention that this game was a run around kill em all game, I saw some of the screen shots and am kind of impressed.

Furthermore, I like the idea of once you die you start from scratch. I have one last question to ask, in this game can you for example thrive from PVP, as in getting a group of people and become say, "The Govourner" from the Walking Dead?

The more and more I read about this game, the more I am impressed with the survival aspect, it challenges the decisions you make and bascially either has rewards or serious consequences.

As for the zombies go on a server, if everyone kills them do the respawn or re appear somewhere else in the maps? Want to get a feel for the challenges and how the game works. Also, are there hordes? =)

And the kicker, how many hackers are there, and do the campers / snipers ruin the game for people or no.

Thanks everyone!!

Edited by varack

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Once you get used to the game you can join or found a bandit clan if that's what you're into, and get most of your supplies from killing people and find camps, but doing so obviously endangers you of other players in the area who now know you're a bandit and want you dead as well as aggroing a horde every time you fire a rifle anywhere near a town. And someone in your group will have to scavenge eventually. I'd recommending getting used to the engine before even attempting to pose a challenge in the PvP realm (and I don't mean Elektro sniping new spawns) because a lot of players know their Arma and will stomp you if you threaten them.

Zombies respawn mildly fast and the number of active ones is based on the player. If I read the recent patch notes correctly, the first player in the area will spawn 40 zombies in a 300m radius, then there will be an addition 10 for each other player that happens to be 500m or less from the initial player.

Finally there a number of scripters (they don't even deserve the title of hacker) but they can be pretty easily avoided by finding a nice whitelisted server such as Balota Buddies. It's too much work for a lazy scripter to go through just to script once and get isnta-banned. The coastal sniper problem is really a matter of opinion. I can deal with them and don't mind adding on the extra small threat, but others will argue they ruin the game. They're typically CoD players that are terrible shots anyways.

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Buy Arma 2 for the game itself not just the dayz mod.

So people who do not own ARMA 2 but want to play DayZ should wait for the SA now?

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just get you wont be disapointed. and if you wanna play some fps, wasteland is good too. wasteland is also good to learn you're way around the maps without a map. (in wasteland you start with maps and stuff (think im thinking of the right mode) anyway in dayz you dont).

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just get you wont be disapointed. and if you wanna play some fps, wasteland is good too. wasteland is also good to learn you're way around the maps without a map. (in wasteland you start with maps and stuff (think im thinking of the right mode) anyway in dayz you dont).

What if they release a release date tomorrow. Let's say 15th of March. Would I still not be disappointed as someone who is solely interested in Day-Z?

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So people who do not own ARMA 2 but want to play DayZ should wait for the SA now?

Well i cant really give a specific answer because Rocket is being a big meanie and not telling us when the stand alone will be released...heck he could end up releasing dayz at the end of 2013.

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many people quit this game caus they are tired of getting shot before they even see the other player/guy.

That happens in many other multiplayer games. Question of balls. I'm gamer from Q1 (mutli) and I meet legions of babies screaming on others cheater just because they dont know what happens. But, in dayz, when you are killed with M107++ or headshoted, and only what you can see is suddend death screen, thats discouraging, I know :D

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Hi and welcome.

It`s up to you how much you are willing to afford, let me shortly explain, what I did.

Being fascinated of a Zombie Survival since I saw George A. Romero`s Dawn of the Dead in cinema in 1979 when I was about nearly 15 years old.

Last year I became aware of DayZ, was fascinated again, watched many YT Videos, recognized the growing PVP (I was not amused) and decided to rent a little 12 slot private hive server to take my first steps in safer area in October 2012 (inspite of SA would probably be released in December 2012, I even thought, release would be early 2013).

It was a good decision, nowadays I mainly play on official servers being killed again and again, but in case of just chilling with my base, vehicles and guns I join my private server.

I call myself a little pussy , but I`m not the youngest and fastest guy anymore :), it`s ok for me.

Monthly costs about 8 Euro, even affordable.

Arma 2 is worth buying and DayZ is the perfect crema on it, just my 2 cent.

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