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Tired of KoS? Do something about it!

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That's fair enough, and it's a reasonable explanation of why you do what you do - I appreciate that we all have our preferences in what we look for out of our games, and it's a credit to Rocket and co that DayZ is a game that can satisfy so many niches simultaneously. I don't have a problem with your playstyle, and I don't think many others would either - you're not simply a mindless idiot who camps spawn points and slaughters newbies because he doesn't have the skill to do anything else - you're someone to match wits with - to avoid and out-think, not just a faceless bush wookie on sniper hill with an AS50. I think any sensible player is going to enjoy and embrace that challenge rather than cry about it.

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OP wasted his time writing a bunch of :emptycan:. I don't KoS unless I feel threatened, but I accept that it is part of the game. That's the brilliance of DayZ, not the zeds, the players, not knowing whether the next person you meet is gonna blow your head off or throw you some beans makes the game much more satisfying.

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That's fair enough, and it's a reasonable explanation of why you do what you do - I appreciate that we all have our preferences in what we look for out of our games, and it's a credit to Rocket and co that DayZ is a game that can satisfy so many niches simultaneously. I don't have a problem with your playstyle, and I don't think many others would either - you're not simply a mindless idiot who camps spawn points and slaughters newbies because he doesn't have the skill to do anything else - you're someone to match wits with - to avoid and out-think, not just a faceless bush wookie on sniper hill with an AS50. I think any sensible player is going to enjoy and embrace that challenge rather than cry about it.

Unfortunately, most, though not all, do cry about it. I get lumped in with all the derogatory names that get called out in side chat. It's ok though. I know how I play. I know I don't cheat/hack, though have been accused of it though. And that's what bugs me, is that entitlement feeling people have in this game. "I'm a survivor, I shouldn't be shot. I'm a fresh spawn, I shouldn't be shot."

If there's one thing I have learned about this game, it's that it isn't fair. I get killed by hackers, glitches, and my own stupidity. But since it's only a game i'm not going to have an anyerism over it.

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if i can find enough ammo i am more then happy to back into a building and start wasting z's as the come at me (bro).

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People that complain about getting shot in an action/shooter game is like enlisting in the military, going to war, and acting surprised to get shot at by the enemy. They don't call it an action/shooter game for no reason, obviously there is going to be shooting whether it is at zombies or other players it is up to the person shooting, but nobody here has the right to try and determine what is the correct way to play the mod other than the developers. All I see when browsing the forums is people bitching about getting shot at and trying to "dictate" why their way of game play is the correct way.

It's a game, have fun. That's what games are made for, are they not?

Imagine the game with nothing but 100% peaceful players, where's the fun in that? Where's the worry that you're going to get sniped if you run into Cherno/Elektro or if you just heard a player trying to sneak up on you or not? The game wouldn't be as fun of an experience if there wasn't an incentive for PvP, it's part of the game.

Honestly if people are going to do nothing but complain about the way other people play the game, they shouldn't be playing multiplayer IMO.

Just enjoy the game for what it is and have fun.

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Part of the problem with in this thread, is the person that created it. I truly hope this does not offend you at all XOt, but your coming from a generation/genre of COD/BF players, with the intent of explaining what it is to PvP from the generation/genre handbook, to a community that started out as a mature player base, that was not looking for another FPS "Spawn, KD ratio, rinse and repeat"...

I know this might not seem plausible to some, but this was not the conceptualization of the player base from the beginning(imho). It was only when this Mod became mainstream, that brought forth the influx of COD/BF gaming mentality. They flocked to this new bread of open world, out of the box, oozing creation that is DayZ. In due course, threads like these were inevitable. Thinking that the DayZ community needed a solution, due to a resulting action that was evident in its conception. To think we lacked in understanding, in what could be simply explained away, with the extrapolation of the KOS reasoning. In other words... what you seem to have forgotten, " is most of us have been there and done that " With absolutely no desire to make this great game, another Call of Dootie, or BattleFarce3.

In closure, PvP has its place, but it should never have become the final succession in which no part or other portions, distinct or distinguishable, would inhibit the primary concept of DayZ being a survival themed zombie apocalypse game. Not another COD/BF3 clone. Please do not encourage players to devirginize this cherry of the gaming world. If your main attraction is PvP, then go out and find that slut, cause their are tons of them all over the Genre waiting to be plundered over and over. Not to mention its the perfect place for Over hormonal-ized teenagers to get there cyber plundering on.

Keep the faith Rocket, were here to support your social experiment to the end of DayssssZ.

No Grammar, writing or intellectual Nazis please.... everyone knows I build exp and LSA aircraft, I am uneducated, but my elevator almost makes it to the top floor. :|


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I will repeat myself . I and majority of players are talking about realism in this game . This mod (correct me if I am wrong) is used to simulate zombie apocalypse . So you are the part of this virtual reality . Make things happen in game like you would do it IRL . So what would you do in real life during this zombie outbreak make it reflect into a game . I wanted to say that I doubt to see people mindlessly shooting eachother ,if this zombie apocalypse actualy happened . Make it real . I personaly wouldnt KoS everyone in real life ,if the outbreak was real so I reflect it to the game . That is the biggest drop in the realism sea I can think of so far .

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You don't know what KoS stands for do you

Kill on Sight - What players do whenever they see someone else.

Obviously i do know what it stands for...

But i would still like to know how exactly you are gonna reduce Killing on Sight... When you encourage others to Kill on Sight... or hire someone else to Kill someone on Sight for you?

Doesnt exactly take a rocket scientist too figure out that it wil increase Kill on Sight?

Guess you aint that familiar with logic :)

Edited by Toft
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To all you carebear KoS whiners:

1. Do not impose your morals or ethics on other players, and for heavens sake dont expect your morals or ethics to be respected by other players in game.

2. If you are consistently getting KoS then you are doing something wrong, your situational/tactical awareness is lacking or your behaviour is repetative / stupid enough to be exploited by others.

3. This game is a survival game which is quite realistic with regard to interactions with others in a 'lawless' environment. If you would like me to prove that point then meet me in the roughest council estate in Peckham, South London at 2am and see how long YOU survive. While you may not be killed on sight you will certainly be mugged on sight at the minimum.

It amazes my even in these times that there are still naive people who still cant comprehend that humans are capable of doing bad things to each other for no reason, it happens every day in the real world so why shouldnt it happen in Dayz?

Edited by Easy_Tiger

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I dont mind KoS at all :) i think it improves the game, because i think it makes it more interesting and scary to play at times, and ofc brings you into all sorts of interested situations during a game session.

Think its awesome it doesnt make you feel safe anywhere, and it would be a shame if that element of the game would dissapear imo.

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To all you carebear KoS whiners:

2. If you are consistently getting KoS then you are doing something wrong, your situational/tactical awareness is lacking or your behaviour is repetative / stupid enough to be exploited by others.

This shows that you only read the title and not the actual post, the post has nothing to do with people moaning about being killed over and over, its actually from a bandits point of view telling people to man up.

What people dont realise is this:

100% of people playing dayz want to shoot stuff, lets get the other 95% of the population of the world and force them to play dayz, kids, older folks, police, criminals.

Now you have a whole load of people playing a 'zombie apocalypse' game, they are not going to all go straight into murdering people because they probably dont want to play it in the first place and most people will find shooting games boring if they dont place them normally

People DIE, people feel PAIN. In real life, a person creeps up on you and puts a gun to the back of your head, 9/10 people are going to surrender instead of risking that half a second it takes to pull the trigger against at least a second to swing their own gun around.

Here an idea for all you wannabe bandits (I have total respect for those that are REAL bandits, you provide danger and a challenge) that kill fresh spawns or run around cherno screaming and spamming ammo at bambis, a little experiment id like to try on you if you think this would all really happen.

Lets hook you up with a state of the art simulator, for everytime you get shot, an electric shock will be sent through your body, not enough to kill you but enough for you to realise the pain you would cause in real life.

For everytime you die, you recieve constant electric shocks until you log back in (which make take a few minutes)

Now you feel the fear of being hurt and dying, unless you have a fetish for pain your not gonna keep to your bambi killing ways when you actually value your life over gear and will actually want to make contact with people, although there will still be bandits most people will fear getting into a firefight

Its a simulation with MASSIVE setbacks and restrictions, it isnt real life, get over it.

By the way, I have no problem with bandits, i hunt them, the problem i have is these wasters who ride around killing bambis

A good example is a private hive i joined the other day, it had edited the loot tables so that no weapons spawned and the 4-5 admins had M107s with the auto aim feature and were just riding around using the admin Livemap thing and claiming how awesome they were.

This people need to stop feeding their ego.

I do not hate pvp, i dislike it when it involves stupid people, there is a difference. My reasons for it are nothing to do with dying over and over, I set out from day 1 to be a friendly player and I still am.

As hero myself, the OP is right, man up, take up arms and fight back, i did this and have never looked back

But always tell them why you have killed them, tell them its because they are a bandit and needed to be stopped. Sure they will come back, but if you dont at least send them back to hell for a short while they will walk all over you

Stay friendly, stay safe.....dont be stupid

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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I think what confuses a lot of people (including myself to a small extent) is why people who are clearly only interested in the 'killing other players' aspect play DayZ rather than something more designed to cater to their interests/wants/needs like Wasteland or even just vanilla ARMA II. I'm not suggesting what they're doing is 'wrong' or anything like that, I just don't understand why they do it. When I get an urge to take advantage of ARMA's unique and tense combat mechanics, I fire up Wasteland and start hunting people, and it suits me perfectly. I still play Bandit on DayZ sometimes, and I still play survivor sometimes, but if I want pure PvP, I acknowledge that DayZ is not designed with that in mind, and therefore find something that better meets my needs.

The media has a strong impact on those who play DayZ. They all want to be that one streamer that gets 1000 followers because he's killing dozens of people. One of the biggest reasons for PvP, is DevilDogGamer, RHINOCRUNCH, JackFrags, and other youtubers who do nothing but enjoy being bandits and recording themselves just kililng people. Everybody wants to be like them, so they go around killing everyone.

This shows that you only read the title and not the actual post, the post has nothing to do with people moaning about being killed What people dont realise is this:

100% of people playing dayz want to shoot stuff, lets get the other 95% of the population of the world and force them to play dayz, kids, older folks, police, criminals.

100% of people playing dayz want to shoot stuff


No. Just no.

Edited by Imafighter

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bottom line is that in DayZ you can play however you like.. some ppl decide to be survivors, some medics, some bandits, some snipers and so forth.. its just how the game is suppose to be. so no matter what all of us thinks, it doesnt matter. because the fundamental thing wont change.. that you always have a free choice regarding how you want too play your character. We all have to deal with that, and adapt to it when we play on the servers.

If you see signs of other players nearby.. well.. be cautious. and plan your next move.

There is really no need to keep discussing this subject. cause ppl will play how they like, and that wont change.. and for the record.. thats what makes this game so exciting for me ( and probably alot of other players aswell ).. because you never know if another character is a friend or foe.. or weather he is gonna betray you, if you team up..

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Ok when I said 100% I meant people play. The game to eiether shoot zombies or players and survive only because there is nothing else to do. I may have phrased it wrong

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KoS is part of the game. You have simply to accept what you can't change.

I would like all the bambis-killers-with-as50-and-teabagging-on-their-dead-bodies to be confined to private servers called "dayz deathmatch arena" where they spawn fully geared, COD style, but nobody has the right to enforce a playstyle (everybody has the right to have an opinion however, to me those are mostly frustrated kids..).

The answer to counter KoS is easy: just play friendly, offer support and, most of all, get good at re-equip yourself if you die (you WILL die more easily acting friendly, but some KoS-oriented people lack the brain to figure it out, anything beyond mashing LBM on sight is too complex) and enjoy the game. It is a lot of fun and the risk factor of not-so-friendly players contributes to it.

Were we ALL friendly, it would be boring (the PvE/PvZ side is simply too weak).


Edited by _Anubis_

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I worked hard to get my hero skin so people won't shoot me on sight , managed to get my humanity up to 20k the hero skin saved my life more than once.

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I worked hard to get my hero skin so people won't shoot me on sight , managed to get my humanity up to 20k the hero skin saved my life more than once.

I do sometimes get the whole 'I shot you because you had a hero skin, so it must be fake as no one can have a hero skin in this game' excuse when i get shot

But it has saved me a few times as well, i even got given NV goggles and a coyote backpack from a clan once just because I had a hero skin....although a hacker killed me a few hours later.....it was still a refreshing experience when a group of 7 dont shoot you and help you out :)

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So, we must use teamwork to take down people

- we don't care about

- who don't use teamwork either?


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