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emaz (DayZ)


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i dont rly understand it

in some threads i read u have to install arma 2 beta or something and in some threads i read after installing arma 2 and oa fullversion

i need to download that beta stuff too ? i wanna buy arma 2 CO on steam fullversion

explain me pls :D

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dude i readed it already but i wanna know do i need to download this beta patch stuff from ur guid if i have the fullversion of ARMA2 combined ops bought in steam? thats the thing i dont rly understand

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steam doesnt update the beta. Once Arma Reaches 1.6 this beta stuff "should/might" go away. Once the full version is realeased you will be able to launch from Steam again but

YES. You need the beta isntaller. It usually detects your install corectly regardless if you have a physical copy(CD) or a digital one(Steam, Amazon, etc)

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ok so i have to install first the fullversion of combined ops that i bought and then i have to download everysingle of these zip parts ?

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