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Unable to perform certain actions since patch

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Since the patch, I have been unable to perform several contextual actions. The timing is consistent with the patch, but I am unsure if that is specifically the cause. I am currently seeking a resolution. These actions do not show up in the context scroll menu list, when they should be appearing.

The actions I have noticed are as follows:

Fill Jerrycan

Refuel Vehicle

Repair Vehicle components

Give Blood Transfusion

Give Painkillers

Give Morphine

I am still able to open doors, access vehicle gear, open peoples' backpacks, etc. It is these actions and maybe a couple related ones I am unable to perform. If anyone has a clue towards resolving this, I would certainly be appreciative.

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yeah spot on

you cant fill jerry until you hop on driver seat and select "refuel" ..the it suddenly appears in menu next time you try.

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I'll attempt to give that a shot. Do you know if that will fix the other contextual actions I'm having problems with? Or if that's a separate issues? Medical actions upon other players don't seem to be working, and it seems unlikely that the driver seat method you proposed would fix those. Anyone have a clue for that?

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As an update, that method did not work and I think I'm facing a different issue than that. Still unable to refuel any vehicles or provide medical assistance.

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