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Hey Guys,

My group right now consists of 3 people we want to have 6. Were looking for a pilot who can fly a MI-17 and/or a Huey decently good. We also need a medic who will move with the front line and go to the injured and heal them. Finally we need one more infantry who is good with m4a1 or other similar guns. We are all on SooliesSurvival, an absolutely amazing server just saying. Add me on steam camster or add me on skype cam.weston2 . BTW you must be at least 15 years old. Our age range of our group is 16 - 18. Thanks guys.

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I would be good at all of the above, anything you can fit me in. I know good land tactics and can handle a weapon well, I am an experienced medic and pilot, so anything is ok for me lol.

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I am a decent pilot and infantry I can fly a Huey long distance and Im pretty good wih an M4

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I'd be interested to play with you! :) Infantry would be my thang. But if we needed to take off in an instant and we had no pilot, I'd be able to fill the role decently and effectively. :thumbsup:

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send me in watch me work im good with other plays working as a team getting stuff i can fly but im not that good so be on the safe side dont let me fly we all wil die :P jokes i cant fly but im really good player im new at this but im quick learner i can hold my own if i need to so that why i think you should let me play in your group i have skype im always on beside when im at school im 16 i dont act like a dumass contact me on dylankurrle@hotmail.com

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So it's a pilot you need eh? You're in luck I can fly the Huey well, I am also a good negotiator so if we get in a jam I might just be able to talk our way out of it. I can also handle a M-4 A-3 VERY well. Just PM me if you are interested.

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great medic right here :D. always kept my friends alive so they dont whine about their gear :). also have been a freshspawn transporter by mi-17 so the bambis can get good gear

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Any chance you can add me on either one these skype ryancollins92 steam ryancollins1992 or join this TS clanwarfare.clants.net ask for Ryan or Hamilton. thanks 

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