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Server restarts in SA

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So with all the changes being made with the loot system in SA, ie everything spawning at server start, i had a thought. How often will the servers be restated?

I don't play on public hive servers so i don't know how it is usually. But if the server restarts were further apart like 8 to 12 hours it would be interesting because places like Cherno and Elektro would run out of loot forcing us to look elsewhere.

Hoping someone could clear this up for me

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//editing with a reply because tapatalk teens to mess up edits.

I understand why the restarts are the way they are now with the mod.

But having them at around 8 hours or so would mean you're average play session would consist of one chance to loot the cities you want

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They already run out of loot at the same rate as before. I was kinda iffy on loot being spawned at the start, at first, before I realised that the only people affected by this will be loot cyclers.

One person goes to barracks, loot is spawned. They pick up the best stuff, move on. Player 2 gets the leftovers. And then player 3. etc etc.

With the loot spawning at the start of the match:

Loot is spawned. One person goes to barracks, they pick up the best stuff, move on. Player 2 gets the leftovers.

You see where I'm going with this?

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I can see the problem being with people that log out at the barracks to be the first ones in when it restarts.

It's unfortunate that everything is so hard to balance because the idea itself is a lot more immersive

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They already run out of loot at the same rate as before. I was kinda iffy on loot being spawned at the start, at first, before I realised that the only people affected by this will be loot cyclers.

One person goes to barracks, loot is spawned. They pick up the best stuff, move on. Player 2 gets the leftovers. And then player 3. etc etc.

With the loot spawning at the start of the match:

Loot is spawned. One person goes to barracks, they pick up the best stuff, move on. Player 2 gets the leftovers.

You see where I'm going with this?

Actually, the only thing I heard was that zombies are spawned in at server start. While I'm excited about this (zed-free servers anybody?), I'm afraid they will have to have loot respawn or else that would be detrimental to gameplay. Think about it, an organized team goes through and clears both airfields and stary sobor mil tents. Besides deer stands, which have rather low percentages of good weapons to spawn, they literally have control of the map and everyone else who logs into the server is going to have to take hours to find a military weapon.

Edited by TheBambiAvenger

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I think their would be a way of implementing it so that the server doesn't require a restart, but the loot system is 'reset' every few hours.

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It's an entirely different game from what it is now so trying to compare to what has been said about the standalone might not translate too well once it's released.

One thing to keep in mind is the loot is going to be MUCH different and more dynamic. There won't be specific loot camping areas like there is now. There is also loot actually hidden around places with a bunch more enter able buildings and the server able to load in 150,000 items without so much as a hiccup I think it's safe to assume running out of loot wont be an issue with servers that restart every couple days. Instead we will have to adapt and expand around the map thoroughly checking cupboards, under beds, behind tv's, and in cars for our items and gear.

The greatest thing I can think of if zombies are able to be killed off, squads and groups of people could join together to clear out certain towns as a safe haven of sorts.

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I can see the problem being with people that log out at the barracks to be the first ones in when it restarts.

It's unfortunate that everything is so hard to balance because the idea itself is a lot more immersive

And that's different from now... how?

Someone logs in at the barracks. The loot spawns for them. The only difference between this and the standalone is that the loot was already spawned in at the start of the server, instead of when someone decides to go there. There is really NO DIFFERENCE.

Do I need to draw pictures? Make a comic?

So, let's look at it from loot standpoint.

Normal DayZ server, vs Standlone DayZ server.

Both have a building. Both of them spawn in an M1911, a magazine, two cans of coke, and a tin of beans.

Player A comes in to the server, loots the building. He takes the M1911 and the magazine. He leaves the coke and beans.

Player A comes into the standalone, loots the building. He takes the M1911 and the magazine. He leaves the coke and beans.

What the hell is the difference?

Let me clue you in to the secret: there is none

Both servers have the exact same loot, and the exact same happenstance, and they're exactly the same! The only difference between the standalone and the current DayZ servers is that loot hoppers will be MUCH more common as you can't sit there and cycle loot.

Edited by Xianyu

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