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Psychological consequences added to the Humanity system

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This is my suggestion to get the humanity feature back up with a different approach. I know many people have given suggestions about this, but I feel mine is different enough.

At a glance, DayZ tries to be a post apocalyptical zombie survival simulator (Rocket, and Rocket alone, may correct me if I am wrong, please). I think that the humanity feature was intended to reward survival attempts while punishing unnecessary killings. Please have this in mind as you read through my suggestion.


In a video game (or mod in this case), it is clearly hard to keep some players with a survivalist mentality, especially when there is no repercussion for not trying, nor for rampant, unnecessary, killing. Yes, sometimes killing is necessary to survive, either by self defense or banditry (killing for the loot) and the there should not be a punishment/reward this type of killing. As mentioned above, the humanity system would/should reward the survivalist mentality and punish non-survivalist mentality.

According to www.merriam-webster.com, humanity is, "the quality or state of being humane." According to the same source, being 'humane' means to be, "marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration for humans or animals." As we can see, humanity is a psychological state where the subject cares for the life of others.

In DayZ, we could say that there are two systems of processes going on; a conscious which represents the actions of the character dictated by the player, such as running, reloading, and making a fire. And an unconscious system, which is in charge of hunger, thirst, panic and others. The player has no control of the unconscious system of the character. The player may dictate the character actions, but that does not mean the character is not being affected (either positively or negatively) by such actions.


Add rewards and consequences in the character's subconscious. Just like in real life, there are consequences to being humane and to being socially evil. The character should suffer or enjoy their actions once they cross the 'normal behavior,' line.

Abnormal behavior can be set and changed as needed. An example would be; 10 heals (bandage/blood transfusion) for the 'altruistic' effect or 5 kills in a 1hr span for the 'evil' effect. 20 heals (bandage/blood transfusion) or 10 kills in a 2 hr span, and such. These values could be accumulated into the current humane system. Also, killing unarmed players should rapidly increase negative humanity.

These behaviors would be rewarded/punished as follows:

Altruistic behavior: Increased social happiness leading to better overall health. The character could be less likely to get sick, to get bones broken and such. Also, they could get a bonus when giving/receiving blood transfusions.

Socially 'evil' behavior: One of two things may happen:

1.- Sociopath: The character enjoys killing and suffering of others, and will laugh (evil) out loud when killing someone or randomly during game because of memories of past deeds, potentially giving out their location to players and zombies alike.

2.- Paranoid schizophrenia: The character suffers from visions/hears voices of people that is not there and panics from it. These events would be random and include vision hampering followed by an adrenaline rush. It would be implemented locally just like rabbits and chicken in the game. Shooting a vision would not provide any loot.

At very low humanity levels the ability to heal other people would be hindered. The advantage for this group would be prolonged or enhanced adrenaline effects due to battle hardening.

Counter counter-arguments:

You - "This is a PVP game."

Answer - As stated before, by reading the website, this looks like a 'survival' game. PK is allowed to enhance the 'survival' experience. However, this only for Rocket to decide since it is *HIS* mod. I can recommend PVP focused games if you want.

You - "I am not a sociopath IRL!"

Answer - If you make your character behave like a murderer, there will be consequences for your character. I see it like being a vampire in Elder Scrolls games, there are consequences to choosing this path and a few advantages.

You - "What if I kill like 5 or more people in self-defense in an epic battle where I beat them all by myself because I am bad-ass like that."

Answer - After playing the game for more than a hundred hours, I think that the odds of that happening are slim. Even if that happens, you can behave socially to regain humanity. If you are camping in Cherno with a sniper rifle, well, you deserve it.

I will add more as they come.

Please: Keep it civil, don't give me the "Rocket will never implement it!!!," answer unless you are Rocket, or have written proof, or are giving him sexual favors.

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this topic has already been suggested please use the search function next time.:D

If you are refering to the 'sanity' system. I think this one is different enough since it actually rewards altruistic behavior in a realistic way.

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im sorry i can't help but point out the fact that you just physically molested and raped the word psychological....it hurts in the butt...and it wants compensation

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im sorry i can't help but point out the fact that you just physically molested and raped the word psychological....it hurts in the butt...and it wants compensation

What you just did to spelling is just as bad :)

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