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[ United Regiment of Dayz ]

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[ United Regiment of Dayz ] looking for about 3-4 players, Weather your Experienced or not Does not matter But you must be able to Speak Good enlgish We play on a Taviana Server We Are survivors But we Will Kill Bandits / Players if We Have to

You must Have Ts3 Be Active alot Friendly To other URD players,

Copy And Paste this. Fill it out And Post if you would like to Join That is

Your Name.

Your Age.

How Long You have been Playing Dayz.

Where Are You From.

What Role Would You Play.

[sniper, Pilot, Medic, Etc]

Edited by DezJames

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Your Name. Xander : IGN Swivel Chairz

Your Age. 15

How Long You have been Playing Dayz. I've played dayz since april, so for a very long time. I have also been keeping up on the arma series. I played Arma and Arma 2 since they both came out.

Where Are You From. Colorado, USA

What Role Would You Play.

[sniper, Pilot, Medic, Etc] When I play dayz alone, I am a multi role survivor. Being a lone ranger tests that, and I am capable of many different roles. I play on private hives a lot, and also arma a lot. I am VERY HIGHLY experienced in piloting and I never crash! For my arma group, and previous dayz groups I have and are a designated pilot. I am also a CQC person. I am able to multi role as well.

Extra Info: I have Taviana, and I have played on it a lot. I am extremely experienced with dayz and I have everything installed manually. Also, I have almost 800 hours in Arma 2, and 850 hours in Arma 2 OA, which is used for DayZ.

I have skype, TS3, and steam.

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Your Name. Ian

Your Age. 21

How Long You have been Playing Dayz. 6 months

Where Are You From. Asia

What Role Would You Play. Pilot and a Medic

[sniper, Pilot, Medic, Etc]

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