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How to catch that hacker??

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Since our server got in the top 100 servers in gametracker were having some serious problems with hackers.

I would do anything..pay "almost" anything for the right tools to fight back. Server we have is Oring. We have a great community and a very busy server.

What tools are available??

I need to know whos killin who

Whos spawning parachuting cows

Who setting weather, restarting server etc etc,

Looked into silentwarriors tools but it doesnt support Oring..

Any options pls??? Seriously this is ruining our server :(

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I'm going to make this sound simple, but you need to get all the public variable logs to run through RCON, then just watch it/have it up 24/7. Running a server isn't easy.

There might be a tutorial on how to do this.

Edited by TheDesigner

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Any options pls??? Seriously this is ruining our server :(

Then you should use a admin tool or something like that. If it is really your server you should have something like that.

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Hi there,

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FOR ONLY £9999999999999999 You can have a brand new BAN HAMMER!!!!

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order today and receive a special edition BANBUCKET. Now you need only throw them in a bucket for the rest of their lives.


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Read the post..some interesting info there...cheers

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