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Lone Wolf Looking to join a Group.

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Hey Guys Im Looking for a Group, I've Been Playing DayZ for 2-3 Months Now and am Good at scavenging but haven't Had To Much PvP Experience But the Encounters I have Had I Have Won for the Most part. Im 14 And Have a Microphone, I Try not To Talk to much Because My Voice isnt Too deep. Thanks!

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21 years old, would love to join up with you and help you out. Who cares about your voice if you're a good mature guy? If you want to hit me up and suggest some servers or mods, I'll do the same later during work. Just pm me and we can go from there!

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What timezone and region do you typically play during and on?

And yeah ... who cares about your voice ... I don't talk much either ... and I am 38. ;)

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East Coast, GMT -5

Okay ... I am GMT+2 ... so I won't be able to team up with you. Sorry. :(

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Hi mate, you're welcome to check us out @ The BSB Network. (http//:www.bsbnetwork.com). We're an open social community for fair and mature gamers with our own Survival Taviana server that's well suited to PvE (survival) players, and our own Teamspeak server. We're UK based and all our members speak English.

We've been playing and supporting Day Z since launch and have our own internal clan (split into two factions, BSB Ravens and BSB Scorpions) as well as hosting several smaller groups and clans within our community. Our Taviana server is Whitelisted and protected against hackers and has loads of vehicles (300+) , loads of new buildings and interesting cities and most points of interest are less than 1K between each other. Our server is very much suited to new players and our members are friendly and helpful and are more than willing to have you tag along, as well as giving you tips and help along the way.

We run weekly events for our factions and community on the server too. Anyway more details can be found on our recruitment thread;


Server details



Edited by Box

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I'm 14 years old and have been playing dayz for a couple of months and i play a couple of times a week.

My timezone is GMT-5.

Add me on skype: jayroman210

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