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Graz (DayZ)

[Release] Dayz Celle V1.8

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Download here:

Dayz Conflicts V1.2: http://www.mediafire...6s95c244q24i9q5

Dayz Celle V1.8: http://www.mediafire...s3198cx6c1a37t5


Allinone: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?0fmn8q5q825ij8l

Server Files: http://www.mediafire...7wd8jyn3rk8pcha

(Includes changes to some BE Filters)

Optional Mod:

ACE sound mod is completely compatible & Optional with Dayz_Celle.

NOTE: The server does not need to instal ACE_SM, it just needs the key. This is only for client side.

The Key for ACE_SM is included with the server files

Get ACE_SM here: http://www.mediafire...nw48mw017bie4s5


  • Helicrash tables have been expanded and finalized. There are 4 drop tables and 8 crash models that are usable. The crash spawning mechanism has been left vanilla, but the additional tables and models are in the configs for server owners use. Players can choose from any of these themed loot drops: German, Czech, US, Britain.
  • RF Armes has been added to Dayz Conflicts. This won't make an appearance into Dayz Celle until V2.0, but has been preemptively added to make Dayz Conflicts essentially finalized.
  • 2 More Gazelle Variants have been added
  • Dorfmark has received some map improvement
  • Bergen has received extra attention, it is a more dangerous town now.
  • A huge amount of work has been done on Fallingbostel. This includes a very large mansion with the only 'Estate' loot table (Gold weapons, special forces & Deagles). There is also a small army base, mosque and an expansion to the village
  • ChronG is being deployed in V1.8. This is a mechanic that will reduce overcast and rain during the night so players are able to see properly. The time skipping past is currently disabled as the server time sync is breaking it!
  • 3rd Person view in helicopters will be disabled by default, admins will easily be able to reintroduce 3rd person through the init line.


  • Many weapons received scaling to their damage, on average weapons are a closer representative of their caliber.
  • Vehicle speeds off road have been increased, this has been done in a linear way
  • Rain has received a slight temperature decrease, it won't be as devastating
  • Mk14's can fire DMR rounds once again, DMR rounds have received a damage reduction
  • LMG's are now usable with a backpack - There will be some that might not be, please report them!

The damage changes has resulted in an increase to most low tier weapons. The Mp5 will 2 shot zombies (2-4 on players). DMR has received a slight damage reduction. Most pistols have been made somewhat relative to scale. A good "rule of thumb" is the bigger caliber weapons do more damage. Most SD rounds are weaker then their supersonic counterparts


Bad Vehicle Type on respawn

players being moved to debug due to incorrect humanity morphing

DMR ammo exploit

Hospitals are working again (sorry!)

fixed 'ca\air\data\optika_heli_tl.paa' error

Bandit's losing their gear on becoming a bandit

Errors on player login

Players are able to run with broken legs

Missing Config: RH_Python

Dayz Conflicts V1.2

Conflicts has been finalised for V2.0 Dayz Celle and beyond, players should not need to update conflicts until after the standalone release.


***Fixes & Changes***

[New] AAC Gazelle has been added. Check it out here. All credits to Trouble for his classy little Gazelle.

[Fix] Industrial loot is now more common

[Fix] Spawn locations have been tweaked. You now spawn at 4 towns in close proximity. South Winsen (sudwinsen), Celle, Ovelgonne and Hamburg.

[Fix] Vehicle spawn locations have been increased in Celle, sudwinsen, Ovegonne and Hamburg.

[Fix] Sandbag spawn rate increased

[Fix] Scrap Metal spawn rate severely decreased

[Fix] DMR mags have been replaced with M24 rounds in the loot table. You must scavenge and make DMR mags out of the M24 rounds you find.

[Fix] 2 round pellets/slugs have been replaced with 8 round M1014 pellets/slugs

[Fix] Only 3 bridges remain intact, Celle Winsen and the highway. All surivors spawn south of the river.

[Fix] The freshwater river can now be used to fill your water bottles

[banned] AS50 & AS50 TWS

[banned] M170

[banned] DMR

[banned] NVG, Many weapons have flash light attachments and ambient light sources are in place to offset this change. Overall, night is more intense and more balanced.

[Removed] The barracks at Celle and it's airport, these (and some collateral in the surrounding area) have been heavily damaged.

[Removed] Most mash medical tents

[Enhancement] North Airfield has received a face lift around the ACT and hangars. Floodlights have been added

[Enhancement] Celle has more enter-able buildings, more fortifications, more devastation & Floodlights have been added

[Enhancement] Winsen & SudWinsen has received a substantial face lift.

[Enhancement] Road Blocks are now in place to warn survivors from heading off the map, massive thanks to Damnation for his sensational Autobahn roadblocks and the idea!

[Enhancement] 2rnd Pellets/Slugs can be combined into 6 rnd buckshot pellets/slugs. This is the ammunition that the M1A4 Master Key attachment uses.

[Enhancement] Bergen has recieved a facelift

[Added] A few map markers have been unbanned, it will give teams using the in game map to coordinate some more options

[Added] Tin cans and Soda cans can be made into scrap pieces, which can then be combined into scrap metal

[Added] Static Searchlights to the map. Players can aim and turn on/off these lights.

[Added] "Last Hope Evacuation Point" has been set-up at Bergen

[Added] Mh-6j [Dayz]

[Added] Humvee M2 [Dayz]

[Added] Landrover MG [Dayz]

[Added] Landrover "special" [Dayz] - Grenade Launcher has been replaced with a M2 Machine Gun

[Added] Landrover SPG9 [Dayz]

[Added] UAZ MG [Dayz]

[Added] Pickup PK [Dayz]

[Added] Offroad DSHKM [Dayz]

[unbanned] AA-12 Shotgun

[unbanned] HMMWV

[unbanned] Ural - United Nations

[unbanned] V3S Variant 1

[unbanned] V3S Variant 2

Edited by Graz

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