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Monitor Not Updating

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Lately I've noticed that whenever I hit Scroll Lock to pull up whatever the new monitor is called (still Debug Monitor?) I've been noticing that it doesn't update until I relog. I thought it was just the server I was playing on at the time so I went ahead and tried it on another private hive that I play on and I noticed the same thing. Any ideas on what it can be? Would it by any chance have anything to do with me recently installing DayZCommander with PlayWithSix already installed? Any help is appreciated.

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NB: Please do not private message me asking for help if you haven't even read the readme on my github page. I won't reply to questions like "can you help me set this up" or "I need help with everything, I want this working and always on".

Try my debug monitor, there are two versions. An always on version and a trigger version (where you need to press a hotkey). It also has the added bonus of being duel display, so your admins get one version (an advanced debug) and your regular users get another (the standard debug) .. See image below..



Edited by urbanskaters

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