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Zombie Crowding System

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A ZCS may already be something going forward / already talked about but zombies obviously mindlessly chase you on instinct for living flesh. But that's one or two. When the shit hits the fan and you have a group as others follow it starts to build up on you and bust down the door. Or even push heavier objects because of the weight building up. I just wondered on the thoughts of zombies bunching up, even more so if you make enough noise. It creates a pressure moment, do you get out of there another way or your last hope is the spare rounds the group has plus some skilful hatchet swinging. It must be a whole other technical mechanic. Good to have? Can it be pulled off?

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The zombie AI is a thing they put a great effort into. I have always thought that zombies behave somewhat like a katamari: one starts running and others start following

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I like it.

Personally I think they need to slow zombies down a bit, not much, but enough that you can outrun them while sprinting. At the same time, their AI should focus more on group tactics. They should move in crowds, keep a few stragglers and loners, but the majority should move in hordes. One or two zeds still wouldn't be a problem, but a horde of them should actually try to outflank and corner you. So if you're in Cherno and you take a shot, zeds shouldn't randomly charge, but come at you from all possible directions, en masse. They should surround you on the street and pour in through every entrance of a building.

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