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Surgegaming.net Survivor Group

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Greetings all. Surge Gaming is looking for more members to work together in DayZ among a variety of other games.

Our website is www.surgegaming.net, currently being revamped for the game.

I'd like to invite anyone 18+ to join our Teamspeak (info on site). We are looking for more friendly players who enjoy a good laugh and aren't aiming to ruin any other member's day.

Smoking and drinking is not required but highly welcomed!

Our location is global but with more members in Europe.

As for our aims in DayZ Standalone, we may likely have multiple groups cooperating but with different purpose, i.e heroes and bandits.

We will be buying a server, possibly multiple or perhaps just one with global members keeping 24/7 watch...

which is our final goal with more Dayz Standalone content (base building) is to create a huge fortress safe heaven.

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Sounds cool good luck :) i may be interested in joining.

Thanks Matt!

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Add fryguy (Fry) or callumk21 (cmx) on steam if your interested in joining :)

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