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[TUTORIAL] SCRIPT TUTORIALS /Server side/ -for all Host/Map/Mod


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Hey thanks! it works now, but only for the backseat... Any idea how to make it work for the gunner positions? We tried to change "player in (assignedCargo _target)" in the init to "player in (assignedGunner _target)" but it didn't change anything.

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hello i have a server that is running dayzcc and i have full access to my files. im looking for a way to add im guessing the btc cargo script to my server. i have already added the chopper lift script from the add in post on open dayz but i want to be able to drop the vehicles from any hight and have them parachute down. that is my major want, having the ability to load them into the c130's would be good too but it is not a must have. the other script that im looking for is the halo spawn jump script i know people have it working i have jumped on a server that is useing it, and i have been following the post over at open dayz every day but they are still stuck. i would really like to get it working for new spawns and also make it to where if you jump out of a chopper or c130 that you can halo jump as well. i just found your post today and will be going over to your site to try to figure out how to get all of this to work. the fast roping one would be nice as well.

I am willing to give you access to help me put this stuff in my server if need be. also i think i might have a few solutions to some things that you might want to add on here! my server is called joeszombieshack and it is a tavi server. check me out when you get a chance. those 3 scripts are the last ones i need and my server will be where i want to get it.

im heading over there now to look at your full moon nights to see if that will work it was not one of the major ones that i wanted but i have had some request for it.

"I have found a tutorial for, adding more weapons to helicrash loot table, GCAM (admins can spectate players) but I think these scripts are outdated because when I try to log into my server it stuck at Requesting authentication."

i have both of these working on my server and would be willing to let you look at my server files if you help me with some of these others!!




Edited by zombieshack

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Hey! First of all thanks for your comment. Unfortunately I'm not a big scripter, and I'm also new in this thing. I would help you with the scripts you mentioned but I don't really understand how the Taviana pbo files work, or if it's different than the Chernarus files. I didn't have a chance yet to work with it. What I can only do is keep watching the threads and if I find something useful I'll tell you.

I'm sorry but I can not help you with that.

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ok well join the club on the not being a big scripter. as for it being diffrent. they should not be as long as your not helping me with the halo spawn jump one. all of the rest should work fine. and actualy my extra guns one should work for you fine. although we need to do the research for you on what guns actualy can be used on that map there are hundreds of guns in arma but they are limited by the map as to what can be used on them. let me know what dayz version your on and what type of chnarous map your useing and i will help you with that.

as for the help i need i still feel like you could help me with the cargo drop and the fast rope on my server. the code should be the same if nothing else you could get me close. i think the best way to help would be for you to tell me what codes you put on what lines of what files that kind of stuff. i have found a cargo script but im not sure if i just put it in the way it says on this page


or if there is something special that needs to be done cause it is dayz. i know that i got the chopper lift files from someone on the same map as you and was able to play with it a little and make it work for mine after he showed me what lines to put the code on.

I still think we can benifit each other. as for the gcam i can only let you look at my files as i am running dayzcc and it was already set up when i installed the program if you dont know what that is here is a link to the site.


this is the best way to run a server out there so far from what i have found!

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quote from the creator: "i find that admins are more effective when they have the ability to properly respond to whatever situation may arise. these tools allow for admins to take a stronger role in preventing problems before they arise. if you don't like them don't use them.

if admins abuse the tools they should not be admins..

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quote from the creator: "i find that admins are more effective when they have the ability to properly respond to whatever situation may arise. these tools allow for admins to take a stronger role in preventing problems before they arise. if you don't like them don't use them.

if admins abuse the tools they should not be admins..

This is very true i 100% agree but that dosn't stop 90% of retards abusing it. :(

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ok well join the club on the not being a big scripter. as for it being diffrent. they should not be as long as your not helping me with the halo spawn jump one. all of the rest should work fine. and actualy my extra guns one should work for you fine. although we need to do the research for you on what guns actualy can be used on that map there are hundreds of guns in arma but they are limited by the map as to what can be used on them. let me know what dayz version your on and what type of chnarous map your useing and i will help you with that.

as for the help i need i still feel like you could help me with the cargo drop and the fast rope on my server. the code should be the same if nothing else you could get me close. i think the best way to help would be for you to tell me what codes you put on what lines of what files that kind of stuff. i have found a cargo script but im not sure if i just put it in the way it says on this page

http://www.armaholic...hlight=AIR DROP

or if there is something special that needs to be done cause it is dayz. i know that i got the chopper lift files from someone on the same map as you and was able to play with it a little and make it work for mine after he showed me what lines to put the code on.

I still think we can benifit each other. as for the gcam i can only let you look at my files as i am running dayzcc and it was already set up when i installed the program if you dont know what that is here is a link to the site.


this is the best way to run a server out there so far from what i have found!

I would really appreciate your help. For the cargo drop, I saw a topic on opendayz.net yesterday I can link it here of you want. I think it's a tutorial, and hopefully it answers your question. I also tried the dayz control center, but it doesn't support dayz.st servers, so I can't do anything with it.

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i am TOTALLY having problems

i keep getting black screen "waiting for host"

or i get the blackscreen that shows our playernames in the top right corner blinking.

i'm trying to do the admin tools, this is in the readme

at the bottom of init.sqf add

[] execVM "admintools\Hotkey.sqf";

find this code

if (!isDedicated) then { // If mission is loaded by a player execute the player monitor

0 fadeSound 0;

0 cutText [(localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING"), "BLACK FADED", 60];

_id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];

what file is the (!isDedicated) then

script in? it's weird, i could find it when i was doing my autorefuel the otherday, but i can't find it now after i had some problems.

if you could, can you get on our TS at crowsdayz79.teamspeak3.com or on my server at

and possibly give me some insight on what i forgot from 4 days ago?

thank you in advance, and you've done awesome work compiling

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Hey! I think just change the

_playerMonitor =

line to

_playerMonitor = [] execFSM "admintools\player_monitor.fsm";

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ok, got that done

i'm now able to run my server. but there are major problems.

1)i don't have the admin menu from f6, but i can hold f5 and get a debug menu.

2)it turned on the ability to "respawn" which can and will dump you wight where you were before you hit it.

3)i'm standing up inside of vehicles with my arms out.

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Hey! I think just change the

_playerMonitor =

line to

_playerMonitor = [] execFSM "admintools\player_monitor.fsm";

oh, and i had a FULL _playerMonitor line that i replaced for this, not just a "playerMonitor"

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Sorry maybe my mistake. I didn't tried it on my server so I can't give you serious support, maybe don't replace the whole line, just the playermonitor thing.

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can anyone tell me what "playerUID" it wants? i've put in my GUID, my screenname. i don't know what else to put in

right now, i've got the debug menu when i hold my button, but no admin menu. i'm assuming the program doesn't know im admin.

also, for some reason, i stand up in vehicles now. not sure why...

please. someone tell me

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in case anyone is wondering, the playerUID it's looking for is inside your player profile. its the number at the bottom when u edit ur name

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Hello friend I have a server dayZ.ST, do not understand about script!

I would add in my server

Debug Monitor, Auto refill any fuel tanks and dogs ...

I'm almost 15 days searching and can not find anything about it, could you help me?

I await your response

ty bro :)

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Hey! Just visit the link, I recommend "Readme me first" topic. If you have any more questions, just ask me. :)

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