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[AZTEC] Anti-Zombie Tactics, Extermination, and Containment

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Our unit has a well constructed headquarters as well as players with exponential amounts of experience in DayZ Origins! Spare a moment to take a look at us!

Events to be scheduled within the next couple days!

Please head on over to Aztec.Enjin.Com > Register on the website (Easy and Quick) > then read the Rules and Regulations page. Thank you!

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Warm welcome to our three newest Cadets: Kempis, Venemous, and Antoni!

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Forgot to mention that we do have our own dedicated public server.

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Thank you for the bump Army. I was starting to get afraid that I was talking to myself.

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Will you guys by any chance go to Chernarus?

Seems interesting and quite nice how you guys have a good, strong leadership system, but I personally don't like the map.


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Well established base camp in Origins. Join up! Loads of other Cadets are already on board.

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Warm welcome to all of our newest members!

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