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S.A.S Clan Recruitment

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The S.A.S Clan is looking for new members. We currently have 6 members and we are looking for more. You don't have to be amazing at DayZ but you must know an average amount, such as loot routs, helicopter/ vehicle spawns. Also, we have our own server which requires rmod for you to play.


  • DayZ + rmod.
  • Skype.
  • Average amount of knowledge about the game.
  • Must know how to speak and understand English.
  • And have a sense of humor; we're not a serious clan and we like to have fun, but you must be mature enough to play seriously when needed to.

Answers in This Format Please:

  • ​Preferred name (in game name):
  • Skype name:
  • Type of player: (Scout sniper, scavenger, soldier, medic, etc...)
  • Personality: (Tell us a bit about yourself)

Thanks in advance :)

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  • ​Preferred name (in game name): StopLookingO.o is ingame
  • Skype name: Controllollo
  • Type of player: (Scout sniper, scavenger, soldier, medic, etc...) Scavenger/ Soldier
  • Personality: (Tell us a bit about yourself) Im funny, have free time. Im not immature. I sometimes make so funny comments, but not always.

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