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Taviana [][Always Day][VET][50 slot][Active Admins][200 vehicles, 20 Air, AI, Auto Refuel, Siphon Fuel, Strip Vehicles,Self Bloodbag] [Mumble]

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We are a new community

with a 50 slot server hosted in the EU. Our goal is to create a friendly community who have a laugh.

Server Details


50 Slots

EU Based

Always Day as noone really likes playing in the dark

Taviana 2.0 map

Active admins (will recruit more admins if we get dedicated, active, helpful members).

Server reboots every six hours to clean up vehicles and loot.


1. AI (consisting or Bandits, Soldiers and survivors. They can spawn helicopters, steal other vehicles and call in reinforcements if near to other units.

You can steal the helicopters but they will be removed on every server reboot)

2. Auto Refuel (Refill vehicle at petrol station)

3. Siphon Fuel (Steal fuel from vehicles using a jerrycan)

4. Strip Vehicle Parts (Remove parts from vehicles using the toolbox)

5. Self bloodbag (Use a bloodbag to heal yourself 4,000 units of blood, watch out though you might get infected)


We have tweeked the AI for two towns to be controlled by bandits. This means you have a 90% probability of encountering a bandit team within it.


We will be holding ingame events where people can win cool gear.

Server Rules

No hacks or scripts of any kind.

No playing music over side chat.

Do not be abusive to other players.

Do not argue with staff.

Failing to abide by these rules will result in either a kick or ban.

Mumble Voice Chat

Server ip: survive-dayz.co.uk

Port: 64738

200 Slots

We will also allow clans to apply for there own channels within the server. just apply on the website.

Anyone found using this and playing on other games will be removed.

Currently working on the following

Adding more vehicles and vehicle spawns to the map.

We also keep adding extra features to our website (You can now register with us using your facbook login).

We will also hold item giveaways

keep checking on our facebook, twitter or website pages for more information.

Website: http://www.survive-dayz.co.uk

Facebook: http://www.facebook....vive.DayZ.co.uk

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Survive_DayZ

We hope you decide to pay us a visit.

Edited by DirtySnipe
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Next weekend we will be giving away the following items to players if they complete the tasks below :-

M249 along with 4x 200 round clips.

To get this cool gun and clips you must check our website, facebook or twitter page closer to next weekend.

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Been on this Server a few days now. Fun & friendly Admins - Willing to help first timers. Their website says they are going to start a Battle between the USMC & Terrorists with Cilvilians trying to survive. Sounds cool.

Check them out . www.survive-dayz.co.uk

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We have now setup the application process to join the USMC or Terrorist factions.

To join just sign up to the required event USMC or Terrorist, on the closing date of the application event we will process all the applications and move people into the required factions. As well as the skin change you will also get a gun and two ammo clips.

You will need to be a registered member to submit an application.

USMC Application

Terrorist Application

The applications will be limited to just five slots for each team so we can keep the sides balanced.

Edited by DirtySnipe

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We are also going to be running regular events. Such as:

Where's my Chopper, Get me outta here.

Battle over the River

Meals on Wheels

Admin Ambush

Things are going to progress quite quickly. Just need a stronger community to take these forward.

Look forward to seeing you on the Island.


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We have added the following:-

Hourly backups so we can minamize loss from hackers / scripters.

Server reboots every six hours to clean up destroyed vehicles and respawn new ones.

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This weekend we are giving away an M249 and four clips to people who do the following.

Like + share our Facebook page

Follow us on twitter

Register on our website

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This week we are working on adding extra bases and camps to the map.

Keep checking back for updates.

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Server has been patched as we were running an out of data arma version.

We have also started to introduce the following:-

Extra vehicles and some banned ones too.

Started to add base camps to the map.

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Hi all - Currently we are having a custom vehicle testing day on our Tavi server, Feel free to come & join us.

Jets, Tanks, MLRS Helis, etc.

Server details in first post .

See you on Taviana


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We have now moved our server over to RMod to allow you guys to play with cool vehicles.

I will soon be adding a list of vehicles we are using ingame.

We have added some of the popular mods like AI,Self BloodBags, Siphon Fuel, Auto Refuel and Strip Vehicle Parts.

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We have removed Rmod from the server as we had only one person join the server.

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I did say I would be uploading images of the added vehicles. With the removal of Rmod this has resulted in alot of the vehicles now not being available.

Here is a sneek peek of a couple of the vehicles added to the server.



i will update the main post with a break down of added vehicles once i have redone the vehicle spawns.

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