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Perhaps remove the "hide body" function?

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First of all I don't think it's very genuine to hide dead bodies in a second or two. Especially when you don't have a shovel. Secondly it's just a lame feature for those who want to kill just for shit and giggles and then hiding the bodies with all of the precious stuff they might possess(haha I didn't had the room for that gear, but I hid them so nobody else can't get them either).

The most ironic thing is you can actually hear the flys flying under the ground, but you can't access the gear of the body under the ground. I actually figured out this(hearing flys) today when we tried to reclaim our bodies possible leftovers and it was indeed a really ironic find to figure out this after the hour or so hiking from the coast.

IMO the whole feature should be removed or you should at least need to do some effort for it. Like A) finding a shovel for it and B) digging the hole and burying the body there => which should require more time than 1 second. But even then I'd think you should be still able to dig the body out from there afterwards. Though it would be just easier to remove the whole function and I doubt many would miss it.

Sorry for a little personal frustration in between the lines, but I hope you got the point. Discuss, dig, hate... :D

PS. day 29 R.I.P :(

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It's a valid point actually, hadn't really considered this before but I have to say I agree completely.

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you can actually hear the flys flying under the ground' date=' but you can't access the gear of the body under the ground.


I didn't realize until now, but I think I've run into this before too. If the flies could be fixed then I wouldn't mind the hide body option so much.

But I also wouldn't miss it if it was gone.

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its not people hiding bodies they disappear faster now i think 15 mins max that they stay around and the flies are just a glitch atm.

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I think you should be able to hide survivor corpses only, and then you must have a shovel.


You could make so you cant hide them but you must burn them. (using jerry can + box of matches)

Could be useful tactics??? 8-)

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its not people hiding bodies they disappear faster now i think 15 mins max that they stay around and the flies are just a glitch atm.

That's not true, because we have multiple times saved one of us gears by reclaiming the body. Ofcourse on those occasions we have had the guard next to the body. :) That body have been there at least 1 hour+, though server restart ofc eats the body, but so goes the flys as well. :)

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You're supposed to lose everything you worked for on death, not run back to your body to claim it.

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Hiding bodies a good way to greif a bandit who shoots at two survivors.

Survivors ate hit and know they are about to die or one is. Place all items with the dead and hide body to limit the loot they can get from the kills or ...

Read this in a forum- lol eat and drink ie use all possible items so they get nothing from your dead body.

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The point isn't whether you are supposed to lose the gear or not. Because obviously you are able to loot other bodies, so the question was that is it really necessary to have such a "troll" function in the game? In other words hiding bodies just because you don't want to give goodies for others. I think if you really would like to grief like that you should physically move the stuff from the body to place B.

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The point isn't whether you are supposed to lose the gear or not. Because obviously you are able to loot other bodies' date=' so the question was that is it really necessary to have such a "troll" function in the game? In other words hiding bodies just because you don't want to give goodies for others. I think if you really would like to grief like that you should physically move the stuff from the body to place B.


yes also it would be cool to find loot hidden in the ground that someone was trying to store

this would give a more secret way to store loot, however it would risk being gone with a server reset.

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I wouldn't mind this actually, and I think this is a pretty good Idea. On the other hand, players like me, like to keep a low profile. If I am to do away with someone, I want to get rid of their body somehow if I'm going to be around the area a little longer.

What I'm getting at is, maybe make it to where you can drag corpses so you may do away with them realistically instead of clicking a button and them vanishing.

Example: Kill, drag body into some brush, nobody knew you were there. Profit.

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NO. its unrealistic but it serves its purpose. i regularly use it to hide dead zombies. it helps to cover tracks. IE if you hit a dear tower (when they didn't spawn eleventy billion zombies) you could take them out loot the stand and hide the bodies and be on your way. or camp the tower from a distance so people are more likley to come near it as it doesn't seem like someone been there.

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I agree. I think the only way to hide a body would be to burn them, or have an entrenching tool. And by burn them, I mean like take a jerry can to them and light it up

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Like the idea and agree with you. Hide body should require a shovel.

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